starting in OR this Feb, what specialty would you suggest?

Specialties Operating Room


Good day! I am finally starting in Main OR this February!!! But the thing is, the manager told me that I have to choose a specialty for them to know where and who would precept me. I really have no clue what's what because there are many OR specialties and I do not know what I will be interested in. I am definitely going for CVOR but the hospital requires previous OR experience. What area would you suggest that is inclined with CVOR? I am thinking about vascular surgeries, is that advisable? What do you think? Please help...

One more thing, for nurses working in NYC hospitals, is $37/hr, full time, reasonable enough for experienced BSN nurse?


I recommend starting with the basics: general surgery. You'll learn all the basic instruments and routines many of which are used in all types of surgery.

Specializes in jack of all trades, master of none.

You haven't even started yet & they want to know what specialty you want?!?!?! WOW !!!! If I read this correctly, you do not have OR experience?

Dang! I would ask them for an orientation to scrub & circulate in each service before making you choose a specialty. If you do choose now, what if you end up not liking it. You may go for ortho instead of CVOR... How can you possibly decide on something you haven't experienced yet?

But, if they push, ditto what Mike said & go for general for the same reasons he stated.

Besides, if you're going to a Level 1 Trauma Center with call, you'll have to know, or at least be somewhat comfortable with every service.

Thank you all for the advise. It's a good idea to ask them to orient me first in each service before asking me where to specialize. it definitely makes sense. I would like to be knowlegable in every service to meet the demands of OR especially during on-call. Thanks again.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

Dang! I would ask them for an orientation to scrub & circulate in each service before making you choose a specialty. If you do choose now, what if you end up not liking it. You may go for ortho instead of CVOR... How can you possibly decide on something you haven't experienced yet?


Specializes in Step down, ICU, ER, PACU, Amb. Surg.

Definitely ask for orientation to the basics and do a rotarion in general surgery so that you get a grasp for all the different instruments. I hope that you make out well.

As for 37/hr for a FT slot for a BSN, I believe that is the basic starting salary in the NYC area but it is also dependant on how many years of experience you have and how many years of experience the facility is going to give you credit for. I hope that this information helps you.

Urology is the easiest, and if you are not sure, a good place to get your feet wet. general is a good place to get most of the basics down. If you are adventurous try the evening shift where you have to do all of the specialties.

Specializes in longtermcare, homehealth, OR.

dido, I think general is a good place to start. And I have to agree evenings is where you learn to depend on what you have learned. I work 7am to 7pm and take call most evenings until 11pm. I can promoise you is you get board eaisly you have just landed a job you will never get board with you will learn and then learn more it is awsome. I do general, trama, transpants, nero, and I love it all

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