St pete college fall 2013

U.S.A. Florida



I have read previous posts on here over the last few months regarding admission to SPC's AS Nursing program. I applied for the fall 2013 semester. Are there any applicants out there who also applied? I am playing the waiting game. Do any previous applicants know how long it takes to hear if you are accepted or not, once the application window closes? Thank you:)

I was at HealthSouth this semester and it was fun, the staff is awesome and helpful, and you learn a lot and get to play nurse for real with real life patients. Don't freak out, after the 2nd week you will be a pro at it, trust me, we all were nervous that first 2, 3 clinical days we started.

Yes for the first 8 weeks, you are in class. The days are long and the lectures are tedious and some of them can put you to sleep. Recommend you read up on the powerpoints so when they go over stuff, it will reinforce what you read and it will help answer any questions that you may have. I worked 40 hours a week and studied my tail off. The tests are not easy. You HAVE TO use you critical thinking skills on each answer. there will be questions that sound like the right answer is infront of you but I am going to tell you this right now...READ THE QUESTION. I can't stress that enough. There may be 4 answers that are correct, and they all are.. but which one is more of a priority or more important or must be done first is where you use your skills.

Let me know if you have anymore questions.

Hello, thanks for all of the info. Do you know when they send the link for the workshops? In orientation they said they would send an email by the next week, but I have yet to receive any info and orientation was back on the 4th. Also, what sorts of things do they let you do at Healthsouth?

I know this is an old thread but were any of you guys out of county residents?

I've read through this post and now I'm going back through 'gleaning' (copy and pasting the need to know) information for my hopeful acceptance into SPC on the 1st. It's great and I appreciate the window into your lives a year ago, such a stressful wait was true. I just knew that once the day arrived (July 1st) the thread would fall off but it only took off. I'm really happy that everyone pitched in and continued to share. Thanks

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