St. Paul's School of Nursing - Fall 2010 Acceptance

U.S.A. New York


I'm curious if anybody got their acceptance letter yet?

I just recently took my entrance test - it was easy. They changed the test style. After the first test comes the HESI which I know would be more challenging. The name of the entrance test is not DET anymore. It stinks considering on the application packet it says that the test would be DET and even recommended to buy the book guide - I bought it unfortunately. Anyway, anybody applied to other nursing school aside from st.paul's?

Arg anyone waiting for their acceptance letter? What's your GPA? Are you in the morning or evening program?

There is another thread on here under NY NUrsing Programs that I think everyone should take a look at.

Hey did anyone apply to the Staten Island location? I applied and I'm scheduled to take the Hesi this Thursday.

i was accepted for the day program, anyone else?

Good for you MKA!!! Congrats!! I am scheduled for the HESI on the 9th and have my fingers crossed. Did you have to interview also? Where there many questions on conversion in the test?

thank youu. yes i had the interview yesterday. there were many fraction questions, maybe 6 conversation questions mostly liquids like quarts/pints gallon/onces, around 5 roman numeral and military time questions. i didnt see any word problems. everything in the book is on the test, if you know everything youre fine. they give you 60 minutes and let you use the calculator on the computer its really not bad at all. i recommend going over the vocab, there were a few anatomy questions as well on that part. good luck!

sorry actually there were like maybe 2-3 word problems, very easy though. just make sure to memorize all the vocab in the book, go through the anatomy section in the book too study the vocab in that part. they recommend you to get a 80 or above in all the sections.

Congratulations MKA123! :yeah:I'll be taking my HESI in a few weeks and haven't really spent much effort into studying. I just took my NLN last week (for another school) so that really exhausted my brain. I didn't buy their HESI review book so I don't know if that would affect my grades tremendously. I bought their DET book though and also bought NLN book so I really don't want to spend more $ for another review book.

Thanks for the HESI tip! Was the vocab part really that hard? When I took NLN, the vocabulary words were ridiculous so I'm kinda nervous about HESI.

Again, Congrats!

MKA123 did they say how they were basing admissions into the school at the interview? I took the Hesi in early March and passed all the sections also, but I haven't heard anything yet. Getting nervous.

i've taken the nln before and i think the hesi is 10 times easier. the vocab doesnt even compare lol. the vocab on the hesi are all medical terminology, most you probably heard before. im sorry i dont know how they base it. i believe i did average on the hesi and i took all the prerequisites. im sure you'll hear something soon.

So how is everybody doing? Did anyone get their acceptance letter as well?

I am scheduled for the HESI this Friday and I hope I'll pass for admission into the evening program.

Did anyone get accepted into the program on Staten Island for the fall 2010 semester? I took the test over a month ago and did really well but still have not heard anything

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