St. Louis University AGMSN

Nursing Students Post Graduate


I am applying to the AGMSN program for Fall 2014. I have not seen much activity of the boards about this program. If anyone is an alumni/a, presently a student , or even applying could you write your comment below. I am very serious about attending this program if I get in. However, I would be leaving my home in NYC to do so so any comment would be appreciated.

Also if you are in the program or graduated could you just list your stats as well please ( like prereq grades). Thanks

Hey jmancini I am sorry I had it as a closed group. Try to look it up now I made it public. Let me know if it works. I am so excited to start the program and meet everyone! If it does not work, can you move forward and make our group. Thanks. it is the same name SLU AGMSN class of 2016

Hi Revira,

I still can't find your page on facebook...I'm happy to start a new closed group for us. Can you send me your facebook name so I can add you? You can find me and message me at Jessica Schmaltz on FB or email me at [email protected] . Thanks!

Hey Jessica I emailed you let me know once you made the page so I can join. Thank you.

Is anyone completely done with immunizations yet? That's all that's left on the to do list before classes start! Can't wait!

No. I have to get Hep A. Injection. Also background check drug test physical and mask exams. Books scrubs I still have some ways to go but I will have everything before the 25th. Super excited I cannot wait either. Ready to start already.

Hi Danielle19,

I still need a flu shot (school health office was out so I may just go to Walgreens), and will need to get my 2nd Hep A in 6 months. Other than that, I am finished. It was a long list of immunizations!

Also - I wanted to say I did set up a closed group on Facebook, SLU AGMSN Class of 2016. If you have any trouble finding it, let me know.

Hi everyone! I have also been accepted for fall of 2014. Very excited! I would love to join the Facebook group but can't find it since it is a closed group. My name is Courtney Howell on FB if you could add me please!

I am also finishing up Hep A shots, tb test, and flu shot. Just got CPR certified and I thought that class was actually fun. Has anyone purchased the supply list, not including books? I'm wondering how much the nursing bag supplies plus scrubs and lab coat cost.


I bought everything except the scrubs and lab coat. The stethoscope was the most expensive-$97 at the bookstore. Everything else was relatively cheap. I still am unsure what "nursing bag" we need. Unless we just need the items that went in it.

Hi Chowell2009- I sent you a facebook message, you should see it as long as I found the correct person! :)

Danielle19, I have purchased all the supplies. As Chowell2009 said, they are all pretty inexpensive except the stethoscope, of course.

I bought the pen light, goggles and bandage scissors at Scissors were $3.00, goggles $8-$10, pen light $3-$7. I picked up a cheap calculator at Target for a $1.00.

I also couldn't figure out exactly which nursing bag we are suppose to have so I was going to wait until orientation and ask more about that. I found some online, but they range from $40 to $100 and I'd rather not spend the $$ until I am sure which one we should have.

I didn't receive a message! Must have been the wrong picture has 3 girls in it.

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