Spring 2011 Sem. State and UCF-SSC Concurrent Program

U.S.A. Florida


anyone else here looking to get into either seminole state's spring 2011 program or the concurrent as-bsn ucf-ssc concurrent program for spring 2011? i will be applying soon myself, and would like to see if there are other such applicants on here. maybe we can help each other! :nurse:

looking forward to meeting new people. :D

Hey! Man it's been a while since I have been on here. I was just double checking that I have everything ready for tomorrow! I live and hour away from school so I am gonna leave my house at 6:30 which means I need to be ready tonight because I am not used to getting up early. I will most likely be wearing black pants and a pink top with a black jacket and I will also be going to the cafeteria in the morning. It will be nice to put faces to names tomorrow.

Hope everyone is as excited as I am. :nurse:


I found these photos, I'm wondering if we are doing anything like this...!! It (shown in pictures) was also supposed to be a team building exercise! I wouldn't mind...but it has been cold lately!!

Anyhow, yay I'm so excited!! I just got home from my last exam a couple hours ago, and already I need to get ready or get to bed for tomorrow. I will be going with my black sweatpants. I too would prefer jeans, but I don't think that goes along with athletic attire. I am hoping that some of the outside parts might be moved to indoors. Not a fan of cold weather, but I'm sure I'll enjoy the experience whatever it might be!!:p

I'm not sure what top I'll be wearing. I'm sure I'll be wearing multiple layers though and a coat or at least sweater. I'll stop in at the cafe also to look for you all! It's not a huge cafe, but there can be a good number of people there...do you all want to meet more in the back (near where the mounted tv is)? at one of those tables? We might just otherwise blend right in..I've only met one of you so far (RedCarnation)! Also I probably won't stay down at the cafe too long before 8, want to go get a good seat @ orientation.

I better get going....see you soon!!!!!!!!!! :D:):redpinkhe

Man the dual orientation for ucf and ssc was the longest day of my life.

But I had fun..excited to start, had some books waiting for me in the mailbox when I got home

Oh my goodness! I just woke up and my voice is gone! I don't think I have ever talked so much in one day. I had a lot of fun but I am glad that orientation is behind me and now I just need to focus on getting books and and doing to online orientations for the hospitals as soon as we are registered for our class. I hope everyone has a nice Friday!

Man the dual orientation for ucf and ssc was the longest day of my life.

But I had fun..excited to start, had some books waiting for me in the mailbox when I got home

Whitewlf00, wish we could have gotten to meet you. I am sure we did but you remain a mystery. Who were you in the name game?

epetersen, check your knights email...

I was Jessica Blue lol..

I was Jessica Blue lol..

You were sitting in the table to the left of us.

i was trying to figure out who everyone was last night:confused:. lol. has anyone been able to login to sakai yet?

epetersen, check your knights email...

I just checked and I got your emails :) I just checked my SCC account and I am in the 3-6 class.

Has anyone gotten an email from ucf yet about registering for the concurrent courses there?


Has anyone gotten an email from ucf yet about registering for the concurrent courses there?


I am wondering this same exact thing. I've been checking several times a day, and have gotten nothing yet. I did think we would have something by Monday or Tuesday from what we were told...

Meanwhile, I am trying to find out exactly what stethoscope is required or preferred for the programs. At orientation, I am pretty sure we were just told "stethoscope", but I need to know if we need a dual sided (bell + diapraghm) or if single side is okay (diaphragm only). The single sided Littmann I am considering functions as both, but might not be the type we are required to have. I am looking at the cardiology scopes...it's between the Cardio III or master Cardio. Still not sure on color yet!

I contacted the NS department to be referred to the SNA. Waiting for that reply before I order. If anyone knows anything, it would be super helpful. :)

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