Special Ways to be supportive

Nursing Students General Students


Hi all,

My girlfriend and I have been together for 3 years now. We're best friends and I can't imagine my life without her.

She has just started nursing school this past week. At one time I had been accepted to nursing and my mother is a ICU/Emergency Room Nurse of 25 years (the poor old lady has no cartilage in her knees from 12 hour shifts along with running 8 miles every mornigng :eek:), so I have a very BASIC understanding of how stressful it all is.

Basically I just wanted to get some ideas of special things I can do to make life easier for my brand new Student Nurse girlfriend. I'm already cooking her breakfast, making her lunch, and making us dinner, but just wanted to see if you all had some ideas of special things I can do that will take her mind off of her stressful day, if only for 5 minutes.

Thanks for any help and props to all of you hard working nursing students!

Let her practice dropping foleys and ng's on you. Just kidding :). These are all great ideas. I wish someone did this stuff for me. Don't forget to tell her how proud of her you are, and tell her often.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

Ok I could have sworn I posted in this exact topic last night but now my reply and the others that were there aren't. :|

I am hoping this is a duplicate post and it's not that I am losing my mind.

Awwww...if it wasn't for some other information you posted I'd question if you were my guy. You sound a lot like him!

Just be supportive and be there for her and understand when she needs to study.

Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.
Ok I could have sworn I posted in this exact topic last night but now my reply and the others that were there aren't. :|

I am hoping this is a duplicate post and it's not that I am losing my mind.

You are not losing your mind. :uhoh3:

Looks like the OP posted two threads.

Threads have now been merged.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
You are not losing your mind. :uhoh3:

Looks like the OP posted two threads.

Threads have now been merged.

HAHA Good to know!

Specializes in Emergency/Cath Lab.

I turned my spare bedroom into an office for my gf to have including a new desk, tv, sofa/futon for quick naps and what not.

I also make it to where when we have the rare occasion that we are off at the same time, I cook for her and we do nothing, no school work for either of us just time to sit down and relax.

Oh yeah, disappear every so often. When I was really grinding hard at the studies it was nice for her just to be gone because it is really hard to study as it is and she is such a beautiful distraction.

What I did actually today was she hasnt bought any new clothes for so long, so I took her into her favorite store and told her to get what she wanted. She had so much fun just getting new things it was great to see.

I try to get all the laundry done and dishes too so she has a nice place to come home too, but it can be rough sometimes since Im in my last semester of NS

Not much advice on this side, just wanted to tell you how awesome you are for helping her out. Im happy if my fiance somehow dresses my 3 year old while Im at school. When I call on the phone

"Hey hon, did Jazzy eat dinner"


"what did she eat"

"cheese its"


But, hey! If your ever single.... j/k

no...but seriously :)

Umm, you are so sweet! What a lucky girl!

All the advice you have received is great.

Just remember to tell her how proud you are of her and how much you love her. Just encourage her.

To me, knowing that my husband believes in me and loves me is more valuable than any amount of cleaning or gifts. I'll live in a dirty home as long as my SO is supportive. That love and support is what gets me through anything life throws my way.

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