Southwest Tennessee Community College

U.S.A. Tennessee


Need some info on the Evening/Weekend program at Southwest Tennessee Community College.

How long is the program?

Can you transfer into the program?

Any info would be helpful.


Ha, yeah. Alot of people dropped foundations after seeing how hard the days in the hospital were going to be. then a lot failed foundations. Then Adult health was like the reaper. We lost the majority of our people in adh1 so far. out of 25 people who took it at the beginning of this semester I think 5 passed. so far out of the 10 we have in our class now, 3 passed the first test.

Those sound like HORRIBLE odds!!!! Sounds to me like something is failing on the faculty end. I've just been looking for someone to write ONE positive comment!!

Ha, yeah. Alot of people dropped foundations after seeing how hard the days in the hospital were going to be. then a lot failed foundations. Then Adult health was like the reaper. We lost the majority of our people in adh1 so far. out of 25 people who took it at the beginning of this semester I think 5 passed. so far out of the 10 we have in our class now, 3 passed the first test.

Reading this makes my stomach turn! Is it that hard or does it just require that much dedication? My daughter is in nursing school in another state, and she said it really isn't so bad, you just have to study.

I can't believe how bad this all sounds too! I am really nervous. I hope that we can make it through after we start! I am very dedicated but it sounds like the school is out to get us, rather then help us!

Reading this makes my stomach turn! Is it that hard or does it just require that much dedication? My daughter is in nursing school in another state, and she said it really isn't so bad, you just have to study.

I agree with you. It certainly doesn't make you look forward to it! It makes you think.......and I signed up for this?!!!!

I agree with you. It certainly doesn't make you look forward to it! It makes you think.......and I signed up for this?!!!!

I know, right?! What the heck am I getting myself into...:eek:

Fortunately, in my job I have had the good luck to talk to quite a few women that have graduated from SWCC's nursing school....I can confirm most of them said the graduation rate ends up being about 15 out of the original 60 that started, many dropping from either failing tests, their situations changed or they just had a change of heart. They ALL said, just study hard and you will be alright.

They all have found jobs which they love, and one recent graduate went from entry level to ICU in 6 months. I believe the nursing program is a really good one. The passing rate for the NCLEX is 90-100% for recent graduates. I just hope that it's a do-able program if one is dedicated and willing to work really hard to understand the material and put in the study time required. That's all any of us can do!!!

OMG! All of this sounds really scary but at the same time, going back to college after 15 years and jumping head first into the classes that I'm taking now was scary as well. But I did it and must admit, I am doing excellent in all of my classes.

As I said before, there are just too many nurses out there that have been through this. I truly believe that if you really want something, you will work for it and do anything to get it. I would assume that at some point you have to say goodbye to your friends, the television and any other distractions that will not aid in success for nursing school. Honestly, I had to cutoff some friends and other extra activities that were detrimental to my studies this semester. I keep telling myself that if I make this small sacrifice for now, it will pay off in the end.

My coworker will be graduating in May with her BSN from UofM. I remember several times when she would come to work(yes, she manages to work during all of this) looking frazzled and just plain beat down however, she stuck with it after wanting to give up so many time. She told me the key to it all is being well organized and sticking to time management. I must admit, she is one of the reasons I decided to get into nursing. She told me the other day that she would do it all over again if she had to.

I also think that the company you keep plays a major role in our success also. I just hope that when I enter the nursing program I can surround myself with people who are positive and uplifting during any situation. So far, everyone on this thread has been very insightful and positive and I hope that we all get through this one piece. Good Luck to everyone!!!

I know, right?! What the heck am I getting myself into...:eek:

Fortunately, in my job I have had the good luck to talk to quite a few women that have graduated from SWCC's nursing school....I can confirm most of them said the graduation rate ends up being about 15 out of the original 60 that started, many dropping from either failing tests, their situations changed or they just had a change of heart. They ALL said, just study hard and you will be alright.

They all have found jobs which they love, and one recent graduate went from entry level to ICU in 6 months. I believe the nursing program is a really good one. The passing rate for the NCLEX is 90-100% for recent graduates. I just hope that it's a do-able program if one is dedicated and willing to work really hard to understand the material and put in the study time required. That's all any of us can do!!!

Well, that sounds a little positive. Now let's hear something positive from some of the students in the program.....if there IS anything positive!!

There is positive stuff. Its an amazing program if not the best in the city. You just have to bust your butt and study hard. The problem is a lot of people just plain don't study enough. And they have kids, and work full-time or at night. Its a great program for serious students and it definitively weeds out the people who shouldn't be nurses.

Specializes in ICU.

I'm also a second career student. I got my first degree 15+ years ago. I have two small kids, 4 & 2, I work 15 hours a week and I'm making a 92 in Foundations right now. It is doable, you just have to study and be able to critically think and apply the knowledge. I know some smart folks in my class who study their butts off and are failing. The key is knowing how to apply what you learn. If you can't use the knowledge, then it's useless to you. You can memorize a million facts, but you won't pass in nursing that way. You have to be able to assess a pt with X symptoms, know how to diagnose them, and then know how to intervene.

Looking at the graduating classes on the wall, there are about 25-30 students in each semester that graduate. Now, the last picture on the wall is 2007, so I don't know how 2008, 2009 classes did. I do know that the last 2009 class that graduated had a 100% NCLEX pass rate!

To Tnnursestudent21 and Scifihippie:

Thanks to the both of you. I think that's probably the key.....studying and then being able to apply it. You have both been a huge help!

To scifihippie: Do you agree with tnnursstudent21 that SW has an "amazing program, if not the best in the city?" I am really glad to hear that!

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