South Alabama-FNP, Spring 2011


Specializes in Clinical Decision Unit.

Hey guys,

I am applying for USA's FNP program for Spring 2011. I was wondering if anyone else is applying and if anyone has any good info about the program and the admissions criteria and etc.. Thanks!

Hi, did you apply to the DNP program for FNP? Have you received a phone interview? I don't know if spring 2011 is a more difficult admission than for the fall. Good luck!

Specializes in Clinical Decision Unit.


Thanks for the reply! I actually applied for the just the MSN-FNP for Jan 2011. Are you at USA?

No, I'm not at USA. I'm just applying to their DNP program. Is a phone interview required for admission? When do you expect to hear from you?

Specializes in Clinical Decision Unit.

I think a phone interview may be required for the DNP but not for the MSN. I just sent my application this week. I actually emailed one of the records coordinators about admissions criteria and received an email back. She informed me that they use a combined GPA from every undergrad course that you have taken and she stated that you must have a 3.4 to even be considered for admission. Not looking good for me... I have a 3.559 from my BSN(2010) but have a way lower GPA from my previous Bachelor degree(1999). Oh well, guess I will be applying somewhere else! :uhoh3:

I don't think you should have anything to worry about. I think they only use the last 60 units of courses taken for GPA if I remember correctly?

I have also applied to USA's FNP program for Spring 2011. I applied to 3 different schools.

Indiana State

South Alabama


So far I have only heard back form Indiana State. I was accepted.

The difficult part will be deciding on which school to attend if either of the other 2 accept me.

Any advice out there?

Is South Alabama-FNP online?

Yes, USA's program is online. All but one on campus orientation. At least it is for the MSN. Not sure about the DNP.

I just found out that I was accepted for Spring 2011. :yeah:

Congrats txrn10!!! Did you find out by email or snail mail? Anyone else heard anything?

Snail Mail. I was also accepted to Indiana State but it looks like USA considerably cheaper (unless I am reading the tuition rates incorrectly) plus ISU is 48 credit hours USA is 45. I also applied to UAB but haven't heard from them yet. I will most likely select USA. ISU just informed me that even though I am accepted for Spring 2011, I can't start clinicals until Spring 2013!!!!!UGH!!! I want to go full time and was hoping to be finishing by Spring 2013!!!

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