Software for Bones


I was wondering if anyone had knew of any software for bones. I really dont have room to put bones, but I know that would be the best bet. I am not sure I could spend that much anyway.

This is going to be really hard, but I am giving it everything I have to give.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

Have you tried doing an Internet search. You are most likely going to find software for learning bones also packaged with other anatomical structures. Whenever I do a search using MSN Internet Explored the first items that come up are advertisers selling stuff related to what I was doing a search for. So, I would search for something like bone anatomy and see what kind of return you get. You can buy the A.D.A.M. software that a lot of schools use for their anatomy students but it runs a considerable amount into the hundreds of dollars.

I have a number of free Internet resources you can use to study bones. Are you sure you wouldn't rather have those? They can be accessed 24 hours a day. Unabridged Gray's Anatomy is on line and and allows you to get close ups of the drawings and they are pretty accurate and well labeled. Although they are black and white, Gray's is still a good anatomical source.

Hi TexasAngel,

I took A&P 1 last semester and found that it helped to use the websites to study the bones. They helped quite a bit. Also I don't know if your school has open lab but if they do definitely take advantage. It really helps to be able to touch and feel the bones when you're trying to learn their name.

Here's a couple of websites I used:

One of these had a self-test option I think. Good luck! You can do it!!!


Hi TexasAngel,

I took A&P 1 last semester and found that it helped to use the websites to study the bones. They helped quite a bit. Also I don't know if your school has open lab but if they do definitely take advantage. It really helps to be able to touch and feel the bones when you're trying to learn their name.

Here's a couple of websites I used:

One of these had a self-test option I think. Good luck! You can do it!!!


Wow!! Thank you so much Sandy. I really appriciate you sharing those links with me. Maybe they can help someone else too. :)

Hi TexasAngel,

I took A&P 1 last semester and found that it helped to use the websites to study the bones. They helped quite a bit. Also I don't know if your school has open lab but if they do definitely take advantage. It really helps to be able to touch and feel the bones when you're trying to learn their name.

Here's a couple of websites I used:

One of these had a self-test option I think. Good luck! You can do it!!!


Thanks Sandy, exactly what I need.

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

Best wishes to you!

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