Snag the new grad


I got a job offer from a hospital which has had some trouble, was investigated by Dept of Health for staffing shortages.


Investigated for staffing shortages

Low pay $23.68/hr, northern PA


They are implementing plan to address shortages (Recruiting, offering a large bonus paid out incrementally over 2 year period)

Personable manager and atmosphere on unit

Computer in every patient room

They want me

Would a not great reputation in the hospital where I have my first job reflect on me negatively to subsequent prospective employers? Should a new grad be scared to work somewhere that "needs" them?

The ratios on a med surg floor are 1:5 days, 1:6 eves, and 1:7 nights.


Specializes in 15 years in ICU, 22 years in PACU.

Tough decision.

You are the attempted solution to their staffing problem. Don't expect a good orientation as they are too short staffed to give anything more than a minimal push and dump. I would be highly suspicious of those ratios. They're probably a goal not a reality so expect higher.

Depends on if your next employer is aware of the poor reputation of the hospital and how you present yourself. If you survive with a good work attitude despite having been abused, you can handle anything.

I would hate to see any new grad get chewed up by a place that is already a hell hole. Some jobs are not worth the money.

Specializes in ER, Med-surg.

There's usually a reason behind a chronic staffing problem that's retention-related, something that's driving staff away- management issues, intentional understaffing to save money, supply problems, bad policies, inadequate pay and benefits, a negative work culture, or some of all of the above.

A plan to address this kind of institutional problem by increasing recruiting is like implementing a plan to fix your leaky bucket by pouring water in to it faster. It's still going to be a leaky bucket.

The pros you listed aren't exactly pros, they're more like bare minimum requirements. What's the job market like in your area? I'd wait it out if I could, if they're that hard up for staff they'll be willing to wait a little bit.

I'd think they'd have to be stringent about the ratios since they're under investigation. The last news I could find about the issue was in May. I don't know what kind of timeline they're on or what consequences they face if they don't correct their problem, or what other deficits they may have been cited with. Their were three units cited with shortages and their census were capped. That's about all I know.

The bucket analogy and maintaining a good attitude after being abused, lol. Hilarious! ...yet not....

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Are there other offers?

If not, take the job. You can always leave if you get another job.

Nope not yet. I'm leaning toward taking it. Thanks all!

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