Smoking Policy- What do you think??

Nurses General Nursing


Okay guys. I really need to know what you all think about this. I learned today that as of July 1, the facility for which I work is going to be totally tobacco free. By this I mean that tobacco will be allowed NOWHERE on the facility premises. This also means that if you want to smoke, you are required to do so in your own vehicle AND clock out to do so. This is system wide, and includes patients, families, employees, doctors, everybody. I am not quite sure what to think about this. I know and you all know that nurses that smoke sometimes do not even have time to think about smoking during a shift, much less get to smoke, so ultimately it's not the end of the world, but I can't help being mad. I don't know about you all, but sometimes a cigarette is all I need to keep my sanity. Do any of you all have a policy like this?? Please let me know what you think!!!

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.

PS. They can't ban high fat, high cholesterol food on breaks. What would they feed the night shift? G-d forbid, the night snack bar have any food that wasn't fried, a meat product, junk food or identifiable as a vegetable - Our poor stomachs wouldn't recognize it as edible and would go into shock!!!!!!!!

Granted, high fat foods are just as detrimental to your health as smoking, and I can see why smokers use this as an argument. But the point is, someone's high fat cafeteria slop isn't harmful to my health, but their smoking is.

I have every right to walk through the front door of my hospital and not have to walk through a cloud of smokers. And I hope my future patients that I will hover over while assisting with breastfeeding have the right not to be able to tell I walked through that cloud.

Sounds like a hassle, and maybe a good way to cut down on smoking. Some hospitals can go smoke free , and I wouldn't mind. If I wasn't allowed to smoke on my break, I wouldn't. I get to have at least a half hour for a lunch break, and i could always walk to the corner. If you work at an isolated facility that forbids smoking, and you smoke, I guess yewd go all day craving a cigarette. Lol.

As for the original question, my hospital also has similar policies in effect. There is an enclosed area in the back corner of the parking garage. Anyone seen smoking at any other location is asked by security to either leave the premises or exstinguish the cigarette. I've actually done it myself.

And for the record, even when I was a smoker, I never smoked at work. Even though I didn't care about my own health at the time, I was aware that I didn't have the right to pollute the people around me. It was coming to terms with what an ass-backwards sentiment this was that was the final straw in me quitting.


It also might be a JCAHO thing as they have a no-smoking policy/rule within 25 or 50 feet of a health center. And they get very nasty about it too. Last year our local VA hospital got sited when they (JCAHO) found cig. butts outside a door.

Specializes in Critical Care.

As a non smoker, I have to hold my breath to walk into many buildings because the smokers stand at the entrance polluting the air. I think it is a great idea, go smoke in your car and don't pollute my lungs.

We have designated areas at my hospital. One of which is right in front of the employee entrance door. Yeah, Heather...I just love walking through the cloud too. It's gross. Wish they would step a little further from the door sometimes. I'm sorry you're cold...but it's winter....get over it and step away from the door.

If I were to eat a candybar while sitting next to someone, the calories would not jump from my body and land on your butt and thighs. It would only be detrimental to me and me alone..... unlike smoke from a cigarette, which actually can travel to another person. (I've seen it happen!!):D

As long as the work gets done on the unit, I could give a rat's behind how many times one goes out to smoke. I understand that some nights require more cigarettes for "smoker" staff than other nights. Things can get hectic.:eek:

As far as the clocking out issue....sometimes we don't get breaks to eat, let alone other activities. I don't think my smoking comrades should have to clock out.....especially if it will keep their mood in check.


....and don't throw the cig butts on the ground.

They're all over the ground in our designated smoking areas. VERY TRASHY.

Nothing worse than to have to walk through a cloud of smoke to get to my job. When I was in college a lot of the students would smoke in the parking garage, right at the entrance door. I finally had enough and so did some of my non-smoking classmates....we c/o and got the smoking area moved.

Also, I hate to when people are smoking at the main entrance to a health care facility. Some people are coming in for treatment for their respiratory problems, and it sure doesn't help when you have to walk through that mess.

Back to the original question though....I used to work at a facility that required the employees go to their cars to smoke....never seemed to be an issue with the smoking staff, it was just the way it was from the time the facility started guess is employers have the right to say where smoking will and will not occur on their property....I also have heard that insurance rates are lower for facilities that do not allow smoking on their premesis...not sure about the validity of that one....

Yeah, I would favor a policy that was no-smoking.....anywhere...

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

I work in a facility that has been this way for some time. It's a huge adjustment period, for sure. But once in place, everyone understands. All patients are offered patches or gum to get by the cravings while hospitalized. Staff may not smoke on hospital grounds, period. Nor may anyone. The nearest anyone can be to smoke is across the street, or something like 50 feet away. It's great in a way. NO ONE comes back inside reeking of cigarettes from their "break". Nothing more disgusting and nauseating to a patient having to smell tobacco on the hands of his/her caregiver. Plus, None of us have to escort people downstairs to smoke, thus taking time we need for other patients away. Family members are told upon admission where they CAN smoke (e.g. their own cars, across the street, etc). It works FINE.

I have not seen anyone get violent over their not being able to smoke, although we did have a couple post-partum patients sign out AMA for the right to smoke in the last couple years. It's up to them. From my standpoint, I can't see how we can promote healthy lifestyles while having our patients and staff members out there puffing away. Some will say I am callous for holding this belief; it's been said here before. But I remain steadfast in this belief. I wish you luck in undergoing this change. The transition won't be easy, but in the end, it should save some aggravation and time. Good luck!:kiss

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.
Originally posted by ShandyLynnRN

I understand that facilities are trying to make environments more health friendly, etc... but the public isn't ready for all that. IMHO

They adjust. They have where I work and it's a nicer environment for walking thru clouds of smoke to get inside is GREAT. Like Heather said, it's the SMOKERS not ready....the "public" that does not smoke more than embraces this.

For the record, I'm a non-smoker.

I'm all for having no-smoking-campus policies, or designated smoking environments, that are not in front of or next to building entrances. Asking people to go smoke in their cars is a bit ridiculous... it discriminates against people who carpool or take public transportation. Also, there are possible security and safety issues here- many facilities do not provide well lighted, safe employee parking lots.

As far as the clocking out issue... I guess this gets into legal areas and can vary by state. I think it's reasonable to ask smokers to clock out for smoke breaks, because I think it would lessen the stereotypical resentment many nonsmokers have (ie, the "those darn smokers spend all shift out there smoking and getting paid for it while I'm taking care of their patients.")

I think it would also depend on a few other related factors: do you have to clock out for any breaks? lunch/dinner? bathroom visits? Grabbing a cup of coffee?

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