smelly kid

Specialties School


So if you had to call a parent to let them know their child smells and it is probably due to the fact that there are 13 animals in the home and smokers----What would you say to the parent? Thank you!

If the kid washes come he still smells?

Definitely will impact his social interactions...

Poor kid.

Isnt this more a social work kinda issue?

I'm over here questioning why the parent hasn't already resolved the issue or contacted the school if they notice that their child is continuously coming home in a different outfit than they go to school in...

At the last school I worked at, I had a student who had a very bad odor. Like cat pee. He took a daily med in my office and I would gag when he walked in. I have no idea how his teachers were able to stand it for an entire class period. His classmates were moving away from him. An administrator lasted 2 minutes in his teacher's room trying to do an eval.

They did ask me to talk to him. While I don't feel like it's a nursing issue, I agreed to say something to him. He came to my office for his med after PE and I would tell him that he should wash up better in my bathroom. But I think the smell was more in his clothes. Eventually a teacher called his mom, got the social worker and administrator involved. The mom was pissed. She called me to complain (again, not nursing issue. No clue why she called me). The kid continued to smell but he tried to cover it up with insane amount of cologne. It didn't work.

Specializes in School Nurse.

A home visit would answer a lot of questions (the counselor of course). When someone's clothes smell that bad (excluding smoke), I assume the animals have taken over and are allowed to do their business wherever, a pile of clean clothes is a great spot. If deemed an environment verging on neglect of the animals, then the appropriate calls should be made. Thirteen animals sounds like an animal hoarder. When those animals are taken away, they are quickly replaced unfortunately. If the animals are well cared for then have mom keep student's bedroom door shut to keep out the offending pets.

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