Signing another nurses name


When is it ever okay to sign another nurses name? I'm 100% sure I'm right on this answer. Just wondering what I could be missing. This was an assessment form that wasn't available to this nurse when she assessed. The info was noted in other areas as well ( love double charting). A day or so later the missing form was magicaly completed and signed.

Specializes in ICU.

Personally, I wouldn't sign anyone's name. I might put something like: Assessment completed by so-and-so on date so-and-so, then sign MY name.

Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.

It's never OK to sign someone else's name.

Can't wrap my head around this situation, that's why I was posting. Problem is that the person who illegally signed is someone in a management position so nothing will be done when it is brought up.

Easy options would have been for the other nurse to date the assessment when they did it or found the actual form. If she wanted to note that it was done using information from assessment done on xyz date that would have been the smart thing. Not sure who to tell in this situation. (not a hospital setting)

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

better look at your Nurse Practice Act. In Texas nurses are not allowed to sign for anyone and not to co-sign unless they witness what is being documented. Everyone is responsible for their own actions (or failure to act)

And that's the scary thing about charting. I think EMR prevents some of this nonsense, but someone could log in under your name as well. Never sign for anyone else.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.
When is it ever okay to sign another nurses name? I'm 100% sure I'm right on this answer. Just wondering what I could be missing. This was an assessment form that wasn't available to this nurse when she assessed. The info was noted in other areas as well ( love double charting). A day or so later the missing form was magicaly completed and signed.


Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
Can't wrap my head around this situation, that's why I was posting. Problem is that the person who illegally signed is someone in a management position so nothing will be done when it is brought up.

Easy options would have been for the other nurse to date the assessment when they did it or found the actual form. If she wanted to note that it was done using information from assessment done on xyz date that would have been the smart thing. Not sure who to tell in this situation. (not a hospital setting)

Is this electronic charting? If it is, there's sometimes an option to sign FOR another nurse. It's a "done by other" option on our electronic chart. It's signed something like "Completed by Nurse Jones on Jan 5, 2014/Signed R. Vee, RN" Then Nurse Jones has to countersign, acknowleging that she did indeed complete the form. It's one of our options for forms, medications, etc. Too many episodes of things not being signed off before someone went home!

On paper, I have sometimes (the assessment wasn't signed and the patient was needed in OR ten minutes ago) signed "Completed by N. Jones, RN/Signed R. Vee, RN" on paper charting as well. If I don't know who completed the form, then sometimes a quick phone call will answer that question. What I won't ever do is sign as if *I* had done the charting. That's totally wrong.

No. Paper charting. Im okay with what Ruby explained. Im willing to bet a million that the form will disappear when it is brought up.

Never !!! flag it and have the nurse sign it when they return or let supervisor handle it.

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