side effects of lanolin??

Specialties Ob/Gyn


Specializes in Med-Surg.

I'm working on clinical paperwork and I need to find some possible side effects of lanolin cream. I've looked in all my textbooks and done some internet searches and I really can't find anything. Any ideas?? Any help would be great. Thanks:nuke:

Specializes in ICU, PICC Nurse, Nursing Supervisor.

gosh i am not aware of any... but then i am no expert either. i think lanolin is the best thing since fried chicken. i know this is not what your asking for but i take lanolin , zinc oxide and nystatin mix it and use it as a diaper rash ointment...

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

An oral overdose of lanolin or a product containing lanolin could cause diarrhea, rash, swelling and/or redness of skin, and vomiting.

Specializes in rehab-med/surg-ICU-ER-cath lab.

Here is an example that I know of. When I had my identical twin girls in 1986, there was this big thing about having an allergy to wool that could effect a baby if you used the lanolin to prevent soreness or a cracked nipples and then nursed. So, they had mothers use some prescription cream that didn't work anywhere near as well. I nursed my twins for eight months, at the same time to try and have a life, and lanolin really saved me! I weaned them at eight months because I was already pregnant with my planned third baby, a son. So, for a one in goodness knows how many possibilities of a wool allergy, they seemed to tried to stop the use of lanolin in nursing mothers.

I second the wool allergy. I had a doula client who was allergic to wool and so couldn't use lanolin.

this is what my textbook says about lanolin for nipple soreness:

- 100% anhydrous modified lanolin is recommended

- other forms of lanolin should not be used because of potential problems related to allergens or pesticides

- a study comparing the use of Lansinoh along with breast shells to the use of hydrogen wound dressings in the treatment of damaged nipples found the combined use of shells and Lansinoh to be more beneficial than the more expensive dressings

- a number of products can cause irritation, delay healing, or be harmful to the infant such as Masse cream, Mammol ointment, Eucerin cream, Bag Balm, A and D ointment, Vaseline, and vitamin E

There is a reference at the end of the chapter:

Hagen, R. L. (1999). Lanolin for sore nipples. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 153(6), 658.

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.

Something that hasn't been mentioned yet is that Lanolin (or A&D or anything else that blocks air flow to the nipple) can exacerbate yeast infections on the breast/nipple, if they are present.

So when I give my moms the Lansinoh cream (found to be the gentlest for mom & doesn't hurt baby) I tell them that if they get any itching/burning/extreme soreness throughout feeding, to d/c use immediately & go see her MD. Baby will probably need tx for thrush also.

I remember that late 1980's or early 1990's we stopped using lanolin for sore nipples...something about pesticides in the Lanolin from sheep grazing on pesticide laden meadows, my facility switched to Lansinoh.......

OK! From experience I can tell you that I had hives for 2 weeks after a c-section because I was using lanolin on my nipples for breastfeeding. The doctors could not figuire out why because of all the things that could cause hives. I finally figuired out 6 months later when I put lanolin on my lips because they were chapped and woke up looking like I had way to much collagen injected in them!!:nuke:

another reference in this book that discusses the use of lanolin is

Riordan, J. & Auerbach, K. (1999). Breastfeeding and human lactation

(2nd ed.) Boston: Jones & Bartlett

Specializes in Diabetes ED, (CDE), CCU, Pulmonary/HIV.

I apologize for this ahead of time, but I just couldn't resist.

It could make you go baaaa baaaaa

I remember that late 1980's or early 1990's we stopped using lanolin for sore nipples...something about pesticides in the Lanolin from sheep grazing on pesticide laden meadows, my facility switched to Lansinoh.......

Can you explain this further? Is Lansinoh organic? Otherwise I don't see the difference.

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