Published Aug 1, 2009
110 Posts
OKK.. I am a new grad, who is still searching for a job ( 1 1/2 months), as are many others right now, I am just so sick of hearing nurses who HAVE JOBS talk about how they HATE nursing, how is this fair?? I understand having days that are frustrating, but not nurses who openly talk about how they HATE their jobs...SO QUIT ALREADY so that those of us who actually would like to work can have a job!! Alot of nurses say ..."just wait you'll see what we're saying", but I worked as a pca/cna for 3 years and @ times frustrating (yes...2 pca's on a large unit w/ total care patients is no cake walk either) but overall I still liked my job...I can only hope that one day IF I ever reach the point where I feel like I hate my job (esp. since being a nurse does involves CARING) that I will have the courage and care enough for my patients to leave!
414 Posts
yeah I hate it as well...I'm tired of this negativity...nursing is not a smooth sail but there are far worse,low-paying jobs out there and seriously people need to fight their burn-out,maybe switch to different area of nursing,instead give in to the is too short to be so negative!!!
985 Posts
I'm one of the few where I work who loves my job. I will admit that sometimes there are situations that make me want to rip my hair out. I never hate it though!
230 Posts
Yeah we all have our good days and bad ..... like yesterday I do (HH) and it was espescially hard that day I really have no idea why??
Just not enough sleep sometimes and feel exhausted at the end of the week ... but I do not hate my job I enjoy my clients and the agency I work for . I think ppl should be grateful to even have a job !!!!
353 Posts
Another new grad here, and I know it's frustrating to want a job that others seem to hate.
I'm trying to look at it differently. I bet these nurses who complain would love to see us hired. They probably hate their jobs and complain because they are overworked...they probably need more nurses on their floor but the hospitals won't hire anyone and simply expect them to do the work of two or three people...
116 Posts
I don't think anybody is about to quit just to please you.
By the way, judgmental much?
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,843 Posts
I don't think anybody is about to quit just to please you.By the way, judgmental much?
Before you judge the poster, why don't you just step aside and allow the person to vent their frustrations. Imagine if you wanted real bad what someone claimed they hate but was hanging onto. So many miserable nurses do indeed need to find another job.....or quit with the whining.
Some people are just not into nursing and really do need to get out of the profession ..... why be miserable?
This really isnt about me or you. Its about the patient. ALL I was trying to say was that I understand that nurses have days when they become frustrated because they are overworked or what not BUT on the otherhand there are nurses who EVERYDAY talk about how they HATE nursing and believe me it shows is frustrating for me because I do love nursing and I havent been able to find a job and then you hear SOME nurses who have jobs that dont even want to be there....that isnt fair for the patients that they are caring for nor to the ones who would like to be there.
502 Posts
Hey new GRAD, nice to meet you! My name is Zuzi and I am one the most optimistic person ever...BUT... you don't need to change optimism with messing minds go around... A negative person is one from what you will listen negative comments and which will give you a feedback negative about each and every... a mess positive mind one is the one with the head in the sky never complaining about nothing, smiling dumb......... reality is beetwen, balance your self first. Nursing life HAS moments when you hate NURSING and yourself also. But are just moments... they going out and life start again.
Please don't smart us .... you need a job, that is all. AND YOU will have days when you will hate your life.... is happen with every one...if someone tell you somenthing else is A LIAR!
And don't mess "patient well beeing" here... is not about your fight to find a job...
Go out, talk with people, be good without beeing agressive or judgmental, you will find a job.... don't need to smart others about....
You will be ok!
Otessa, BSN, RN
1,601 Posts
I think people vent-just like you did (OP)-about their jobs(or lack of). My husband is a pilot and complains about his job at times-there are portions that he dislikes BUT he isn't going to quit his job because he complains about it. He loves it as much as he dislikes it. That could apply to almost anyone in any field. People are smart enough to stay in a job-not quit because they hate it for a moment.
Live and learn.