Should We Be Concerned About Vaccine Safety?


Specializes in Too many to list.

Senator Kerry gave a radio interview last month refueling parental concern about possible links between vaccinations and autism. Scarey if it's true.

Specializes in Pediatrics Only.

Senator Kerry gave a radio interview last month refueling parental concern about possible links between vaccinations and autism. Scarey if it's true.

The concern between autism and vaccinations has been around for a while now.

Some say that the mercury in the vaccines causes Austism, and others say that Autism signs begin to show around the age that a child is vacinnated, therefore making it look like the vaccine caused the autism.

I beleive its still a very controversial subject with parents and doctors that isnt going away anytime soon.

Specializes in ICU, CVICU.

I think we should be concerned about vaccine safety just as we are concerned about anything you would subject your child to. That being said....this little article is really misleading on so many levels. They have never found sufficient evidence to tie autism to the thimeresol use.

I would encourage anyone that is concerned about this to look at peer-reviewed medical journals for research rather than relying on annecdotal evidence presented on a random website.

Specializes in Too many to list.

But if the parents are the ones who are seeing the results? Anyway, is the RFK, Jr, one of the KENNEDY's?

Correlation is not causation. Don't conflate the two.

This has been debunked over and over again.

Correlation is not causation. Don't conflate the two.

This has been debunked over and over again.

I have to agree here. MIT scientists (along with many others) are working on many areas of brain function and one is autism - the genetic causation.

Be very careful of anecdotal information.


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