Should I wait for a job that I really want?


I finished my BSN 4 months ago and I am unemployed. I interviewed at a job that I really wanted, but I did not get the position. They told me that they hired people with more seniority than me. They also said that they hoped to hire more people in their next hiring intake and I told them I was interested in that at the time (in 5 months). I got the impression that they actually did like me for the job, and I would hope that they actually meant it and would have hired me if they had more vacancies.

This unit is the only unit in my area that is like this and is one of the few jobs I would actually like.

The other job that I am looking for I have also had no luck so far in either.

I think I have nailed down a temporary job for 3 months this summer.

My question is should I go for a job that I dont want or should I wait for one of these jobs that I really do want. If I knew I would be waiting for a longer period of time (more than six months or so) I would consider it, however I dont want to take a job that I dont want, suffer through 3 months of orientation and then quit when I get the job I really want.

The money issue of not working isn't a huge deal as my husband is able to support me (as he did while I was in school).

My issue is that I went to school for 4 years, worked my butt off so I would have to work a crappy job. Now that I am done school I don't want to do a crappy job.

Any suggestions?

You know, since your husband is willing to support you, I would wait a certain amount of time to get a second chance at what you really want. However, I would not put things off any longer than one year or at the most 18 months. At that point, you should be working somewhere. You can still apply every so often, to the place where you prefer to be working. Any time a person can get a job where they have a chance of being happy, they should go for it. Good luck.

Specializes in FNP.

I did not take a job offer because it was not the "ideal" job for me. I regret it more than anything. It has been about 8 months since that job offer and I still don't have another one. HUGE mistake. Take what you can get, do it for a year, and then you can do whatever you want. Everyone has to start somewhere.

Specializes in NICU Level III.

Gotta watch out with not working, even if you don't need the money. I took a break after nursing school and when I went job hunting, the big question on employers' minds was...why haven't you worked until now?

You know. I'll tell you something you're very lucky! You graduated from a 4 year program, and you have your husband supporting you. I would take the time to find something that you would like, but that's just me. I actually graduated Dec '08, and I passed boards late Jan '09. Two days later after passing boards, I accepted a job offer from a position that I was told to transfer out of last week. Now, I'm searching for another job somewhere else. BTW, they told me that I didn't have enough "critical thinking" skills, and this wouldn't be the ideal learning env for me, and what did they teach me during the accelerated program, etc...

This other hospital I actually was hoping to go to before I passed boards, I chose not to go to, because it was mostly night shifts. I chose the position I was told to transfer out of, because it's day shift. I should have seen the writing on the wall when the hospital I was told to transfer out of offered only a 6 week orientation vice the other hospital offering 12 weeks. Well, lesson learned. I was desperate to find another job, because of the money. One of my friends told me that she received a good orientation at that unit; however, transferred out of after 6 mos, because the manager never talked with her. My other friend who was a nurses aide on that floor told me that the hospital screwed around with the schedules, and gave her too hard patients. This other hospital I'm hoping to go to..well, I've consistently heard that they really take care of their nurses compared to the other hospital...the ones who told me this were friends and colleagues. Heck, they even had nurses vouching for the hospital at the open house.

Well, so far, I have an interview at that other hospital, and I heard a lot of good things about the floor through some mutual friends. It may not be the ideal job, because it's not day shift, but what job is anyway! There will be small sacrifices you have to make, but make sure it isn't to the point that it would cost your sanity. If I get this job, I'll be working 8 hour shifts a day instead of 12 hour shifts where I don't remember anything in 3 days, etc. Plus, they'll put me with one preceptor throughout the entire freakin' shift! Anyway, those are my pre-reqs! *LOL*

Anyway, my point is, choose carefully, but really ask other people and listen to your gutt. Also, read this book: "Your 1st year as a Nurse" by Cardillo. It's a really good book that tells you the ins/out of looking for a new nursing job like asking around from friends how the job is to how to act when on the floor, etc. I wish I had read it sooner.

Good luck!

Oh, in the meantime, see if you can volunteer somewhere to look at procedures, and read up on case studies. Really work on those critical thinking skills a.k.a. applying your clinical skills.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.
Gotta watch out with not working, even if you don't need the money. I took a break after nursing school and when I went job hunting, the big question on employers' minds was...why haven't you worked until now?

From what I've heard this really does freak employers out.

Specializes in ED, ICU, MS/MT, PCU, CM, House Sup, Frontline mgr.
gotta watch out with not working, even if you don't need the money. i took a break after nursing school and when i went job hunting, the big question on employers' minds was...why haven't you worked until now?

true, this is because employers want to hire people they feel will want to remain and have a good work ethic. if someone does not need to work and chooses not too or has a problem that prevents him/her from working, then those are red flags realted to one's work ethic and/or abilities/skill set to perform well.

op: btw, working your "butt off" in school is not the same as working your butt off in the real world. school and the workforce are apples and oranges. my suggestion is similar to the others, do not to wait for a job. the people who interviewed you in six months will not recall the event. in six months or so when another opening occurs, outstanding new grads will be applying for the same position with you, a person who has not worked by choice.

speaking of which, i know of a new grad that waited for a position she wanted in my hospital to open up on the specialty floor of her choice. rather then work inside of the hospital after graduating on a different floor and be "stuck" (as she put it), she choose to remain at her current job outside of the hospital and take her chances of applying for an opening with the may grads. well guess what? when a position in the department she wanted opened up, she applied but she was not hired. instead new grads graduating in may who worked as techs and nurse externs were offered the positions and so was one who graduated with her in december. the one who had graduated with her in december initially took a job with the hospital on another floor in the hopes of transferring after some acute care experience. her peer worked hard, trained hard, and developed a reputation quickly. thus, when an opportunity opened up for her peer to transfer into the highly desired department after six months, she was hired as a transfer.

note that i do not advocate that you knowingly work in a bad environment. however, i do not think sitting around waiting for an opportunity to happen to you is the right move. find a job on a floor that is supportive of new grads and shine! when the opportunity for you to land your dream floor/department/specialty opens up, you will be ready to accept the position.

-new grad rn, transferring into her dream position soon

So thanks to those who replied. I took some advise and decided to look for pretty much anything.

Now I have two potential jobs, one working on an acute medicine floor and the other working a three month stint at a children summer camp.

Working on a medical unit isn't what I really want to do, but I would be willing to do it.

I would much rather work the summer camp job than work the medical job.

What I am not really sure of is which would be better to do?

On one hand working on a medical floor would provide me with general med/surg experience which everyone says I need to have and would be an asset in that sense. On the other hand I would love to work community and know that working in a community like setting(camp) might be an asset to finding my next job. Then again it is only a three month job, do you think that would be "enough" experience to look desirable to future employers?

I am also thinking that even if I can't find an ideal job after I finish my summer job I could look again at the medical unit as it was no problem at all for me to get an offer on the medical unit. Which I don't think was just a fluke as the hospital recruiter mentioned multiple med/surg units that were hiring and within an hour I had been contacted by the manager.

I feel that it is a risk either way and I don't want to be kicking myself later thinking I should have done something else?

I think I know what I want to do, but I keep finding myself second guessing myself about this decision.

Anyone had similar experiences or any advice?


I understand wanting to take a summer camp job but in terms of experience, 3months is not "enough" experience. I am a older new grad and have been working on a med surg floor at nite. It is not my ideal job but I am gaining alot of wonderful experience and I am keeping an eye out for my ideal job. I work for a very large magnet hosp, with this economy they have decreased there hiring and we are usually staffed at min. staffing ratios. I would suggest taking the med position because it probably will not be there in 3months then you are stuck. I think you would still be considered a new grad even with the 3month summer job. Many hosp are looking for 1-2yr experience.

Good luck

Specializes in FNP.

I agree with Emilysmom. Take the position on the medical floor. You will learn so much more than a 3 month stint in a camp nursing position. It is not guaranteed that you can find something after the camp nursing gig is over. Good luck to you!

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