Sheri Taylor's CPNE online workshop


Specializes in Acute care, Long term care, Home health.

Just starting to prepare for CPNE and was wondering if anyone has used Sheri's online workshop "solely" and passed. I would have loved to attend a live workshop but can't afford the traveling expenses and all.... would like to get some input/advice, please.

~Thanks in advance :-)

i also am just starting to prepare for the cpne. After paying for the test itself, i do not have much left for preparation. i live in missouri, so going to a workshop would cost pretty close to the actual cost of the cpne. I have heard great things about her online workshop but havent used it. I am going to start of with outlining the study guide and using robs videos and go from there. i am definately going to use the excelsior staff for submitting careplans for critque, as well. PM me if you would like to be study buddies!! i am learning every bit of support helps.

I was also wondering about Sheri's at least it is pay as you go so if you don't like it you can stop after the first $150, but who even has that to spare:uhoh3: I am doing the same, outlining the study guide especially unit 4 critical elements and using robs, i printed out all his pictures for the mneumonics and put them on index cards with the steps in front and any notes in the back. Just got everything to set up my lab, still feeling a little overwhelmed by the whole process. I'm on page 173 of the study guide, found the taylors skills book online for free download and the fundamentals book and skills checklist and funds studyguide and the medsurge book and studyguide all the newest editions all downloaded for free, of course didn't find them till i finished all my classes, but i know i will still use them to prep for the cpne. Just ordered the taylors video guide but one edition back from for about 4 bucks. feel free to contact me if you like. WE CAN DO IT! Don't forget EC's live cpne chat 2x a month next one is on november 3rd at 2pm est. The last one was helpful, no waiting to get your questions answered from the board.

I loved her workshop. Careplans are huge because you have to write them "on the spot" within a narrow timeframe and she teaches you how to do this effortlessly. It really cuts down on your anxiety and you have one less thing to worry about. You CAN fail a PCS for time and not being able to write/complete a careplan quickly enough can cost you plenty of time. The pt care videos were great as well and she answers all of your questions. I would recommend it to anyone.

Specializes in Tele/Neuro/Trauma.

I did Sheri's online workshop and passed with no repeats! She is the best!! I highly recommend her materials to anyone prepping for CPNE!

I did Sheri's live review, and her online review. I must say Sheri is the Careplan Queen IMO! She knows her stuff when it comes to careplans, and preparation for cpne. I absolutely loved her online and recommend it without hesistation!! If you want to pass, sign up today. In addition to her online videos, I suggest Rob's mnemonics! They were my life saviors during the actual cpne..He nails all the assessments, and management areas. I also would recommend Ms. Weir's review. She is an ex- examiner. She will work with you one on one until you get it! That is exactly what I needed, and it made all the difference for me! Additionally, I would read the CPNE manual from ECE.. Those examples are worth their weight in gold! I hope this helps.:up:Good luck!

Specializes in Med/Surg.

+1 to Sheri's workshop. I did attend a live workshop, but it was a lot of information to digest :) Her video materials were at the trial stage at the time, some of those videos were typed during the workshop I attended. She gave us a free access and I can say that was a HUGE gift. Sometimes when I was tired of studying I just played the videos over and over while doing some house chores. I had a month to prepare for CPNE. And I passed :)

P.S. Her careplans are fantastic!

Specializes in Acute care, Long term care, Home health.

Thanks everyone for the great advice! I’ll definitely sign up with Sheri. I see some mentioned Rob’s workshop and I’m curious if the techniques differ compared with Sheri’s online videos. I just want to get familiar and comfortable with one that relates well to the 18th edition. Is it possible to get Rob’s mnemonics only without the added videos? For those who used Sheri & Rob’s videos, how do they differ? Need some convincing to purchase Rob’s in addition to signing up for Sheri’s online workshop. I know everyone learns differently, but I’m a little concern there might be conflicts/variations in techniques.

I also plan on taking the Beginning CPNE Preparation, Nursing Care Planning, Documentation, & Skills, the online CPNE conferences; that Excelsior offers.

Congratulations on your achievements for all those who have passed the CPNE!!! Great Job!

And for those just beginning, like myself, say to yourself, you can do it!

I, too, was not able to attend a live workshop, and found Sheri's online workshop to be invaluable. The videos were really great, and I watched them over and over again. It was Sheri's careplan assistance that I really found invaluable, though. I don't believe I took over 20 minutes to write any careplan. I was in and out of every PCS in less than an hour, mainly thanks to her.

I also found Rob's mnemonics and videos extremely helpful. Be sure to tailor the mnemonics to your own tactics.

I would like to add one caveat. Any time you view online material, be aware that they may contain a few little errors or that the rules may have changed. Always check the videos, etc., against your CPNE manual and current practice guides. Hope that helps!

Oh, there were some corrections made to Rob's videos, but he mentions those as well. He will send you all the corrections.. The mnemonics are still essential to your passing, or at least it was for me.. He makes it easy to remember all of the critical elements necessary to pass..And, yes, by all means, please do read your ECE study guide and when in doubt it trumps all!

Specializes in Acute care, Long term care, Home health.
I, too, was not able to attend a live workshop, and found Sheri's online workshop to be invaluable. The videos were really great, and I watched them over and over again. It was Sheri's careplan assistance that I really found invaluable, though. I don't believe I took over 20 minutes to write any careplan. I was in and out of every PCS in less than an hour, mainly thanks to her.

I also found Rob's mnemonics and videos extremely helpful. Be sure to tailor the mnemonics to your own tactics.

I would like to add one caveat. Any time you view online material, be aware that they may contain a few little errors or that the rules may have changed. Always check the videos, etc., against your CPNE manual and current practice guides. Hope that helps!

Thanks for the advice, and you are right about always checking to verify the info correlates with the CPNE study guide, as I have read some threads confirming your statement about "some things are missing." Good advice! I'll follow through:)

Specializes in Acute care, Long term care, Home health.
Oh, there were some corrections made to Rob's videos, but he mentions those as well. He will send you all the corrections.. The mnemonics are still essential to your passing, or at least it was for me.. He makes it easy to remember all of the critical elements necessary to pass..And, yes, by all means, please do read your ECE study guide and when in doubt it trumps all!

Seems like Rob's mnemonics is an added bonus, since you're recommending it, I think I will consider adding it to my CPNE prep and pay attention to the corrections as indicated. Thanks for the advice! :)

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