Published May 12, 2016
fyrephish, ADN, RN
65 Posts
I just wanted a spot for all of us to share any successes and accomplishments this semester. We all work very hard, and if you're excited about something you succeeded in this semester please share! I haven't received my final grades yet, but some of you may have.
I'm taking just two classes this semester, Developmental Psychology and Intro to Biology. I'm tucking in and studying hard for my two finals, one of which is tonight, and the other on Monday.
Please, let me know what you all are working on! Good luck!
195 Posts
Just graduated from nursing school! :) finished with an A- in my perspectives class, and an A in my major nursing class. Best of luck to you as you finish finals!!
That's fantastic! Congrats and good luck to you on your NCLEX!
709 Posts
I had all but my sciences done due to having a previous degree, all of which were As. I took A&P1 last fall and got an A. I just finished A&P2 and Micro this semester, each with As too. I've applied to my nursing program which only considers prereq GPA as an admissions factor with a 4.0 where the average accepted applicant's GPA is a 3.8. So, I'm hoping that I get my acceptance letter come July 1st.
Best of luck to you and everyone else!!
190 Posts
Just finished my last prerequisite... Maintained a 4.0 throughout. This is coming from someone who claimed to dislike science... I ended up loving it. Congrats to all and good luck!
58 Posts
I just finished my second semester of nursing school. I took Pharmacology 1, Med-surg 1, Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing and Gerontological Nursing. I finished the semester with 3 A's and a B in Gero. My semester GPA was a 3.9 and cumulative is a 3.8! I was very excited to have made an A in Med-surg because the class was very difficult. I ended up being the only person (out of 56 students) to make an A! Sadly, we lost 13 people due to that class😞
254 Posts
-3.8 pre reqs
-3.95 first quarter nursing
-3.8 second quarter nursing
pre reqs were completed while working full time, went down to a .4 when I started nursjng school :)
dreamerachiever, BSN, RN
75 Posts
Took A&P II, Human nutrition, Elem stats, NURS process I, and 2 honors classes this semester... Finished with a 4.0. Thank god!!