SFSU ELM-A Spring 2016


Hello everyone!

I am new to this site and this is my first ever post! Woo hoo!

I am currently in the process of applying to SFSU's Accelerated Entry Level Masters program for Spring 2016. Is there anyone else out there applying? This is such an exciting and stressful time!

The best of luck to everyone!

I am also applying. How are you doing on your admission prerequisite?

I am applying as well! I am still finishing up my personal statement. What specialty are you all applying to? I am going to go for peds. Did anyone go to the information session? Unfortunately I could not make it because of work, but would love to hear some of the things covered if anyone is willing to share!

Is anyone else having trouble with the questions? I'm struggling with the difference between professional goals vs. career goals.

Hi! I am applying for women's health. And I did not go to the informational session :/ I live about 3 hours from SF. And I am still working on my personal statement as well, but I think professional and career goals are the same thing. The deadline is fast approaching! I'm currently bugging my recommenders to submit their letters.

Are you applying anywhere else?


All of my prerequisites are completed but I am not sure how to submit my survey of chemistry..because I took multiple classes that can fulfill that requirement. Which specialty are you applying to?

Yeah I am applying to USF, Samuel Merritt, and CSU San Marcos. Hoping to get into SF State though.

That sounds great! Best of luck to you.

What is your previous degree in? Mines is Biology

Mine is in Health Education. I'm super nervous about this application! I feel like a 500 word limit on the personal statement doesn't leave much room to elaborate! I am a medical assistant right now for a family doctor, but my grades aren't ecstatic so I wish I could write more to sell myself. I really want this program since it is (semi) affordable for an entry level msn program.

Oops, I mean that I am not ecstatic about my grades. Ha, not "my grades are not ecstatic".

Hi everyone, i will be applying for the SFSU ELMSN program in the fall, which is a similar program, but less accelerated. I was wondering if anyone could provide me with their stats? i.e., GPA, GRE score, Pre req, etc. so that i can get an idea with the pool of applicants. Thank you!

Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.

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