Seriously need encouragment and advice

Nursing Students NCLEX


I'm in such a crazy situation. I actually got my ASN almost two years ago. After I graduated, I went to visit relatives in Africa for 6 months, and when I returned I worked with the pre-licensed RN permit for nearly six months in an Emergency Department. While I was training in the hospital full time, I didn't study enough for the NCLEX. But several weeks before my scheduled exam, I studied really hard and I thought I could do it. By then, it had been a year since I graduated and when I took the exam, I failed. :crying2: I had to immediately leave my new nursing job (after training there for 5 months) and was very disappointed in myself and very embarrassed.

Since then, I've just had so much going on, including a lot of difficult and sad things. I've gotten all caught up in life and my responsibilities. After not having passed the first time, it was so hard to get myself to concentrate. I was even majorly depressed. Most of the time since then, I've never really studied as well as I should. But finally, since the past month, I got an RN Kaplan book (can't afford to take the classes) and I've actually been making progress. I do feel that I'm almost ready to test. I want to schedule to take the exam again in about 2 to 3 weeks.

So what do you all think? Can I do it? Can I pass this test and finally make something of myself? This sound's crazy, but if I don't pass this second time, I'll lose my mind. I'm scared. If I don't pass this time, it's going to be close to the two year mark since I graduated from nursing school. What's going to happen to me then? Don't you have to pass the test by the two year mark because if you don't you'll have to go back to nursing school?

hey any help, it's been 5 weeks since i took my exam and until now i didn't get my result of my exam yet. i'm so worried, i got mail yesterday from BON but its just a notice form for the initial license fee. what does it mean?!

I've heard that you can never tell whether or not you passed by how long it takes for you to receive your results. But everyone I know who passed, they received their results rather longer than two weeks. The only time they received their passing results later than that,l it was because of some mistake. For example, I have two friends who both passed and both didn't get their results until several months later. As you know, I didn't pass my first time, and it took me a month to get my results. But as I said before, supposedly you can never tell by how long it takes.

Everything you said PA_Coffeebreak, about how failing this exam made all the failures of your life flash through your head and about how brutal the emotions can get...that totally describes my experience. But I also appreciate your advice on how to get through it and how to eventually succeed. I'm going to read your post a few more times because I like your description and I thank you so much for giving me the link to the study plan you followed. I will be checking that out.

And really, thanks to everyone who has replied to my thread. Thanks for all the advice.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Hospice.

DON'T GIVE UP!! If you really want it and have your mind set to it, what could stand in the way?? :) Check with your local college and see if they have a refresher course you could take (and maybe use student loans) and I would suggest the Saunders too (with Kaplan) because Saunders has a lot of review info, not just test questions. It will help you to refresh your memory. Good luck and don't ever give up!

Hey Abshumate, I know what you're feeling. It can feel like torture when you have to wait for your NCLEX results. I now remember how anxious I was and when I look back, I wish I hadn't been because the worry can be so disruptive to your life. Listen, you probably passed the exam. I really hope you did. But in the mean time, you can't make it come any faster than it already is. Try to let it go. Try to take your mind elsewhere and relax while you wait for your results. Keep living. Keep yourself busy until they arrive because if you're anything like me, the anxiousness can almost be unbearable and that's not healthy for mind and body. I know when I take the exam again, I'm going to have to really find a way to not worry about my results until they arrive. Anyways, I hope you passed.

Hey Abshumate, I know what you're feeling. It can feel like torture when you have to wait for your NCLEX results. I now remember how anxious I was and when I look back, I wish I hadn't been because the worry can be so disruptive to your life. Listen, you probably passed the exam. I really hope you did. But in the mean time, you can't make it come any faster than it already is. Try to let it go. Try to take your mind elsewhere and relax while you wait for your results. Keep living. Keep yourself busy until they arrive because if you're anything like me, the anxiousness can almost be unbearable and that's not healthy for mind and body. I know when I take the exam again, I'm going to have to really find a way to not worry about my results until they arrive. Anyways, I hope you passed.


It is my opinion that you need to approach this Nclex like you would approach a marathon. You have to condition your brain, find some way to measure your progress. For example: Have you done a diagnostic test, studied your weak areas and then take another test that has all subjects included and compared your scores? This way you can measure if you are improving or if you are the same.

You have to set times aside to study regardless of what is going on in your life. If you want to pass Nclex "it has to be your priority" on your list of things to do. Meaning, you study first and then you take care of other things. Further, you have to approach your testing at home with confidence and you have to tell yourself if you score low that this is only helping you to improve in your weak areas. Basicially, opening to book and scanning through pages, or study one day and not the next...wont work. (Not saying that is what you did). Its like going for a marathon if you do not run on a regular basis your muscles will not be conditiioned and you will not be able to make it through that physical torment lol. Same with Nclex, if you do not condition your brain and be consisted your brain will go to sleep.

You stated that you have no money for Kaplan, but I see this as an investment. I rather pay the money and for that I turn down maybe movies from blockbuster, if you smoke stop smoking which is good anyway for you lol etc etc. See it as an investment. Kaplan is a great way of helping you evaluate where you are at and how much improvement you need. It gives you perimeters and sets goals for you if you are not good in setting goals.

I wish you the best of luck and actually it is not luck that I wish you...I wish you that you will be confident and that when you pick those answers during Nclex that they will not be based on luck, rather on your knowledge that you have earned after studying hard. :yeah:

thank you very much...

In Texas I know you have 4 years and as many attempts within those 4 years to pass. The previous posters' advice...all good advice.

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