Seminole State - UCF Concurrent Program Fall 2012

U.S.A. Florida


Hi everyone, thought I would start a support group for the SSC/UCF Concurrent Program starting Fall 2012 hopefuls :) Is everyone getting their applications ready for submission... the deadline is approaching quickly!

I got my concurrent acceptance letter. so i will be denying the AS one for someone who may be waitlisted :)

Don't we have to accept both the seminole and ucf emails to be admitted to the concurrent program?

There isn't an attachment or anything. I'll probably have to call them or something

For not deny the AS program as I believe you have to accept both since I think the concurrent is an extension of the AS degree.

There isn't an attachment or anything. I'll probably have to call them or something
. For the generic BSN program we got the same email. print the email, sign it, then fax or email it back before the deadline.

If you apply to both Generic and Concurrent and got into both. Please accept the Concurrent but PLEASE deny the Generic so it is given to those who wait on SSC Generic Track! Thanks...

I applied to the UCF/ SSC concurrent program. I received the email from SSC yesterday afternoon but haven't heard from UCF yet. Did you guys hear from UCF in your personal email or the school's email? Congrats to everyone that was accepted!

I heard from both Ucf and ssc through personal email

Oh..that makes me nervous then. I had orientation yesterday just for UCF itself and Alton pulled myself and another girl aside to say that we would be getting good news that afternoon. He better not have been playing a mean trick

SSC contacted me through personal email UCF contacted me through Knightsmail.

I haven't been contacted at all yet... Does that mean I'm not being accepted?

Just got in with a 3.5 and an 80 on the teas

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