Seattle University APNI 2015

U.S.A. Washington


Well, I know it's early.

Anyone applying for 2015 start?!?

After studying 4+ hrs a day on Magoosh for the past month i'm sad to say I only scored a 294 on the GRE. You can all probably rest assured that at least one of us has been taken out of consideration. Did anyone else get a score such as that? How did you guys do on the GRE? Anyone else that wants to post their scores whether.higher or lowest than mine would.he appreciated. I also have a 3.9 in prerequisites...anyone from the current cohort know anyone admitted with a.GRE score as low as mine?

Thank you so much for your excellent advice. That is pretty much what I heard from my cousin who's a med student at UW... scores get you in the door, interview is what gets you admitted.

Would you mind telling us what types of questions you were asked during the interview? Or if there were any that took you by surprise? Not necessarily interested in what they asked verbatim, but just the general kinds :) thanks again, and good luck on your exam!

Bennett, you can take the GRE once per month, so you could retake on 12/1 if you so choose. I know someone who is taking it on 12/1 and SU said that is perfectly fine since our applications will not be viewed until January because of winter break. So that is an option if you want to go that route, but I'd call the CON to make sure they are okay with you doing that too.

Bennett, I don't think you will be solely rejected out of the applicant pool just because of your GRE scores; they are going to look at your WHOLE application. And like lumen said you can always take it again if you feel like it's too low. I only have slightly higher than yours by a couple of points, by the way. And your pre-req GPA is very high so that's a good thing since as I previously mentioned "Applicants with 4 or more completed prerequisites with a grade of 'B' or better at the time of application are more competitive."

@zoikers, @lumen4. Thanks for responding guys! I posted as soon as I finished taking the GRE and was feeling pretty bummed. I checked the ETS website, I can only take once ever 21 days, which means I'd take it on the 4th. I can't imagine I could raise my score by much more than 4-5 points, so I don't think I'm going to re-take. I'm just going to have to write one hell of an essay! ..Speaking of the essay mine is going to roughly be 2-2.5 pages double spaced. I've already written about why nursing, and why Seattle U. I mentioned pairing my values with the colleges values etc...**Following advice from the info session..Now I just want to tie my previous experiences as being an addition to the diversity of the cohort.

I only got a 301! So don't beat yourself up about it. I was unhappy with my scores as well, but I decided spending my energy on the GRE again would be a waste of my time right now while I am still taking prerequisites. If I do not get accepted and apply again next year I will try again to make myself more competitive. However, with them only looking at the last credits of my Bachelor's I will most likely have a 4.0 GPA on their scale.. as long as I pull off an A in my current micro class.

I kind of feel like my GPA and experience should make up for my GRE.

But who knows.

All I know is I've done the BEST I can and I'm really tired of never feeling good enough.

So my advice to you is... roll with it. Play up your strengths.

NONE of us are perfect. Remember that!!!

Yes, exactly use your essay to counteract the GRE score and that's where you can really show your passion and interests!!! I feel like the GRE score is not as important as other aspects of your application. Yeah, honestly I thought about re-taking the GRE but it's soo long and expensive too! I was like nah but I was unsatisfied with my math score too.

Exactly, I agree with you May 25! If you give your best that's all you can do and you should feel proud of that. It's not like you didn't try!

Has anyone talked to the college of nursing about the chem prereq? I took the whole chem series in undergrad, and I wonder if I could use my Gen Chem III instead of I since I got an A in the 3rd class but only a B in the first one... ha!

And for what it's worth, my GRE score is pretty high, in the 310-320 range, but my prereq GPA is definitely not a 4.0 nor is my past two years GPA. At the info session they said a competitive GPA for FNP is ~3.7, with no mention of the prereqs.. I think for those it's mostly important that they are >3.0 Who knows though!! They will all be submitted soon :)

@ lumen, were you at the information session this past week? I was one of the two cohort reps that was in attendance and did Q and A with the group that was there.

As to your question about the interview, as the day gets closer, I would be happy to write more about that, but overall they were very basic and direct questions. Many of them were very similar so one of the things I remembered thinking most was that many of my answers sounded much the same. They asked about working with vulnerable populations, if I was interested in pursuing the DNP, one time I was challenged and how I overcame it...things like that. They ask everyone the exact SAME questions as to allow for equitable scoring of the interview. As I said, I would be happy to comment more on this when the day gets closer.

No, unfortunately I couldn't attend. I did go to the info session on October 1st though, which was tremendously helpful.

Thanks for answering the question about the interview!

Just submitted my application! :D On to 2 more apps! due. Dec. 1st!

Whoohoo!! Big congrats! I imagine that is a great feeling!

question: on the online app, did it show that your transcripts and GRE scores had been received? Mine show up as "not received" but when I called they said that's normal, and you can't know if they were received until after you submit?

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