Seattle Pacific University BSN 2016

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey everyone! I applied for Seattle's 2016 fall cohort but I am a transfer student and am not sure how good my chances are of getting in...Does anyone know how many transfer students are usually accepted every year? Or what the average GPA of transfer students is?

Also, what do I need to know about the interview?

I am a little bit nervous about getting in. We just found out a little bit ago that we are moving to Seattle so this was the only school that I could make the deadline for.

Anyways, any help is appreciated! Thanks!

Hey @watermelly,

I am a student and asked my faculty advisor and we should know right before spring break, so like around 3/15 or so?

Wow, thanks for the information! That is sooner than I thought.

Do you know if they're sending it via mail or email?

I think they are sending it via mail:)

Mail ! It might be more the 18th. But pretty soon !

Are you guys waiting for other schools or is SPU your first choice?

New to the conversation. . . I am waiting for other schools, but I don't have a first choice. Just want to get into one. Has anyone gotten a letter yet?

Hey guys! Just found this thread..I am also waiting to hear back from spu.

I applied as a transfer student and made it through the interview. I also applied to UW, SU and BC. Has anyone gotten their letter?

Hey guys, letters got sent out. I am waitlisted #3. Does anyone know what they usually take from the waitlist? =/

I haven't heard a thing. Does anyone know if they send acceptance and rejection letters at the same time? I am also a transfer student and have applied to SU and UW as well as SPU. I have heard that most schools only waitlist the amount of people that they think they will end up having room for, so I'd say you have a good chance. I know it's not the same, but my friend was #16 on the waitlist at UW and she got in (a few years back).

Omg! I haven't gotten anything either :( but at least letters are sent....

Yes! I got my (transfer student) acceptance letter today!! I live in Shoreline, so pretty close to Seattle as far as mail delivery is concerned. Good luck everyone!

P.s. I heard for SPU there are two wait lists- one for transfer students and one for SPU students. Just something to think about.

Good luck to those who got in! I am still crossing my fingers. I am on the SPU student waitlist, and three isn;t bad but you never know nowadays.

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