SDSU Fall 2011 Admission Hopefuls

U.S.A. California


Anyone hear anything from the school/school of nursing yet? Anxiously waiting here..

Specializes in Hospice & Palliative Care, Oncology, M/S.

I don't know why there is a six month trial. You went here: right? I still have my trial!

There should be a number on the booklist, yes. If not, you can go by the Edition and Authors. The editions are what is most important. If there isn't a huge price difference between new and used, I will buy new. One bonus of buying used is that the good sections are already highlighted for you. LOL

Hey Coriander,

On the topic of book lists, I was wondering if you knew what the difference was between a "new" or "used" Nursing Central Pass Code? Also, if I go to the nursing central website, the price for purchasing it is cheaper than the price on our book there a difference between those two options??

Thanks in advance!

Specializes in Hospice & Palliative Care, Oncology, M/S.
Hey Coriander,

On the topic of book lists, I was wondering if you knew what the difference was between a "new" or "used" Nursing Central Pass Code? Also, if I go to the nursing central website, the price for purchasing it is cheaper than the price on our book there a difference between those two options??

Thanks in advance!

This is important to know, and an excellent question.

Any time you buy a pass code to anything, it needs to be new. These can only be used once. As long as the program is exactly the same, I don't see a problem with purchasing it elsewhere.

Hey Coriander,

On the topic of book lists, I was wondering if you knew what the difference was between a "new" or "used" Nursing Central Pass Code? Also, if I go to the nursing central website, the price for purchasing it is cheaper than the price on our book there a difference between those two options??

Thanks in advance!

I went to the bookstore and asked them this question and they told me they dont know why it offers a used version online but they only sell new codes (325 dollars). From my understanding, you are paying for a subscription and the bookstore is more expensive than the nursing central website because it includes access for the length of the nursing program, whereas the website purchase wouldn't be for as long. (a year?)

Specializes in Hospice & Palliative Care, Oncology, M/S.

Mrgaylordfocker, You are absolutely right. Thank you for reminding me. This goes for clickers, too. Please purchase the "lifetime subscription" instead of going semester-by-semester. It will save you $.

I bought some books at amazon. u know wen we go on ezbook, it tells us wat we need for the classes. some books are listed with access code or cd. for those books, do we need to buy new ones? or it's okay to buy used(we don't use cd or access code?)

Specializes in Hospice & Palliative Care, Oncology, M/S.

I think the only thing you need a code for is the clicker and Nursing Central, for your first semester. When you get into your second semester, you will take a communications class, and will need an access code for a program.

I have never used a CD that was included with my book, but some people have and think they're great.

Specializes in Hospice & Palliative Care, Oncology, M/S.

I will see you all tomorrow!!! I will be online working on my orientation material for tomorrow, so please feel free to ask any last minute questions.

If you have even more questions tomorrow, we have many people there at NSO who will be able to help you.

I look forward to meeting you. :)

I will see you all tomorrow!!! I will be online working on my orientation material for tomorrow, so please feel free to ask any last minute questions.

If you have even more questions tomorrow, we have many people there at NSO who will be able to help you.

I look forward to meeting you. :)

Im guessing after tomorrow this thread will start to die, so thank you for being so helpful throughout this entire thread!

Specializes in Hospice & Palliative Care, Oncology, M/S.

You're welcome! Tomorrow I will be happy to give you my e-mail address in case there is anything else I can help with.

Hi well i'm supper excited and kinda nervous i just got a call saying i can move from spring to fall...there is one other girl ahead of me and if she doesn't call today im in!!!! but i'm worried Im behind and don't have the papers I need! I don't know what time the orientation is or what to bring im kinda freaking but over joyed at the same time any advice would be awesome!!!

Specializes in Hospice & Palliative Care, Oncology, M/S.
Hi well i'm supper excited and kinda nervous i just got a call saying i can move from spring to fall...there is one other girl ahead of me and if she doesn't call today im in!!!! but i'm worried Im behind and don't have the papers I need! I don't know what time the orientation is or what to bring im kinda freaking but over joyed at the same time any advice would be awesome!!!

Hi CalRodeoGirl!

First of all, CONGRATS!!! It's almost 8 pm. Did you get a call? Did she call? Did anyone call? I'm so nervous!! :clown:

Orientation is tomorrow morning. We need you to check in at 7:35 a.m. in Hardy Tower Room 140. If you want to get there earlier, that might be a good idea because of how many people will be there. It will last until about 3 pm. Then there are a couple of days of other new student information sessions, which I'm not familiar with, but we can find out for you tomorrow.

Please bring a notebook, pens, checkbook, and cash. If you order uniforms tomorrow, they will be paid with a credit card, as you are ordering online. I have listed supply prices, and that is probably about two pages back. :)

Since you were called last minute, you will be able to speak with the admissions coordinator and talk about paperwork and background checks, etc. You can read through this thread to see the questions I've answered so far, and tomorrow more questions will probably be answered for you.

If there is anything that wasn't answered, I will be online for another couple of hours and am happy to answer what I can. :) Good luck!

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