Published Aug 16, 2007
87 Posts
Wondering if anybody is enrolled in or knows of schools that don't require chemistry as a pre-req. I have taken a chemistry for healthcare(Life Science Chem), but I realize that most schools are looking for Organic or Bio. Thanks for the help.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
You will be putting your self at a deficit if you do not have the more advanced chemistry before you even start anesthesia school. They are not going to be giving you time to learn the basics, you are going to be expected to already know that.
That is why most require the more advanced chemistry before they will accept anyone into their program.
161 Posts
Get serious here my friend. You can not cut that type of corner and expect to get into school. Take a good look at your competition and you will see they all have at least organic chem and probably biochem as well. As the previous post states these our basic classes.
SusanKathleen, RN
366 Posts
Uh, are you planning on passing meds? You NEED chem. Get a tutor.
218 Posts
I go to a school that does not REQUIRE o-chem/chem for admission, but let's look at my current course load for chem knowledge and depth-
Pathology- some chem here
Chemistry for anesthesia- yep, science level/o-chem here
Biochem-Oh yeah, chem all over the place here
Physiology- umm, Yep chem
Immunology- Some chem here too
Pharmacology- chem rules supreme here (can anyone say pKa? :))
Principles of anesthesia- lets see..... um chem here
Physics- not much, but chem examples for real world apps.
Gross Anatomy- chem knowlege definitely helping for written exams.
So yes, some schools dont REQUIRE it, but good luck keeping up with the info if you only have been exposed to the basic one semester health science chem. Do yourself a favor and really learn the chem before applying to any CRNA program. There is too much info to be learned in adddition to chem that your stress load will be reduced just by not having to learn basic chem principles.
165 Posts
I spoke with an admission director at a school in the Midwest about what I could do to improve my application their program. One of the things she told me to do is retake chemistry and any other core sciences that are more than 5 years old. She said, "Chemistry is one of those classes that you may not use all the time and concepts may have evaporated over time."
I thought all nursing programs require at least Chem I before nursing school. Anyway, that's all I took and it's nearly 10 years old. I am enrolled for this fall and will do Chem II in the spring and start Organic in the summer (I won't apply until time for apps for Fall of 2009, so next year).
I didn't ask her this question but let me pose this to the group....
I have no option but to take these classes at a community college. There are no 4 year universities that offer the class at a time I can take it due to work schedule. I work S, M, T and most all the classes are M/W or T/Th. This one is just on Fridays. It is a 5 hour Chem I class for science majors. I realize it's not ideal but do you think it will be a major problem if all my other bases are covered?
No offense here guys but no one has answered my question. I would simply like to know the schools that don't require Chem as a pre-req. Thanks
278 Posts
Go to and do your own research.
Josh L.Ac.
353 Posts
If you do not understand Biochem, you fail to have the foundation that pharmacology is based on. Period.
Just a CRNA
126 Posts
TCU does not require any additional chemistry beyond what was taken as an undergrad nursing student. Their chemistry for nurse anesthesia students is tailored for anesthesia application.
521 Posts
I go to a school that does not REQUIRE o-chem/chem for admission, but let's look at my current course load for chem knowledge and depth-Pathology- some chem hereChemistry for anesthesia- yep, science level/o-chem hereBiochem-Oh yeah, chem all over the place herePhysiology- umm, Yep chemImmunology- Some chem here tooPharmacology- chem rules supreme here (can anyone say pKa? :))Principles of anesthesia- lets see..... um chem herePhysics- not much, but chem examples for real world apps.Gross Anatomy- chem knowlege definitely helping for written exams.I have to ask, is this a CRNA program or med school? Looking at your courses I am trying to figure out what CRNA program requires gross anatomy? Physics? Immunology? Wow, that's one tough curriculum.:trout:
I have to ask, is this a CRNA program or med school? Looking at your courses I am trying to figure out what CRNA program requires gross anatomy? Physics? Immunology? Wow, that's one tough curriculum.:trout: