SCF Nursing Spring 2019

Nursing Students School Programs


Specializes in Neonatal Nursing.

Hey everyone! I couldn't find a thread for those applying to the Associates in Nursing, Basic Program at the State College of Florida (SCF) for the Spring 2019 start term, so I decided to start one!

I have all 4 prereqs done and 3 of the 5 gen ed courses completed, for a total of 7 out of 9 completed courses.

4 Prereqs:

A&P I - B

A&P II - B

Math (Statistics) - A

Eng Comp I - A

Prereq GPA = 3.43

5 Gen Ed:

Human Growth and Dev - In Progress

Eng Comp II - A

Microbiology - A

General Psych - B

Humanities - N/A

Overall GPA (7/9 courses) = 3.54

I plan on applying to both campuses, but Venice will be my first choice.

What do everyone else's stats look like!?

I also attended an information session for this program, so if anyone has any questions, just ask. I will try to give you as much information as possible.


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the School / College Programs forum

Specializes in Neonatal Nursing.
Moved to the School / College Programs forum

Thank you. I couldn't figure out how to post it in this forum.

Hello- I just applied to both campuses today! What did they tell you at the information session? I heard the Venice campus was less competitive in previous semesters but since they stopped making the TEAs a requirement they have been getting a lot of applications! I have 9/9 courses completed with a 3.3 pre req GPA.

Specializes in Neonatal Nursing.
Hello- I just applied to both campuses today! What did they tell you at the information session? I heard the Venice campus was less competitive in previous semesters but since they stopped making the TEAs a requirement they have been getting a lot of applications! I have 9/9 courses completed with a 3.3 pre req GPA.

Hey there Halo!

I applied to both, as well. :)

It definitely seems like the Venice campus is less competitive because Julie mentioned that in the past they have filled seats at Venice with Bradenton applicants. But I agree that because they no longer require the TEAS, they will probably receive a lot more applications.

Julie also said that those who have completed all 9 courses (prereqs and gen ed) will be reviewed first and have admission priority over those who have not completed all 9 courses. So, that's awesome that you have already completed all 9!

The only really disheartening info from the session was that Julie mentioned they have already offered/filled seats with students who applied for this fall but were listed as "alternates". She didn't say how many, but that certainly makes things more competitive with less seats being up for grabs.

This is only the second application period they aren't requiring the TEAS, though. So, maybe not many people have heard about it yet. And I have heard that Spring applications are usually less competitive than Fall.

So, crossing my fingers that I have a shot! haha

Heyyyyyy !!

I am also allowing to both. I'd prefer Bradenton but I'll take whatever I get. I have finished all 9 classes with a 3.5 prereq GPA I applied Fall Semester and didn't get in. I was told that because of the TEAs no longer required they have gotten much more applications with higher GPAs than they are used to. Hopefully we all get it !!!

Specializes in Neonatal Nursing.
Heyyyyyy !!

I am also allowing to both. I'd prefer Bradenton but I'll take whatever I get. I have finished all 9 classes with a 3.5 prereq GPA I applied Fall Semester and didn't get in. I was told that because of the TEAs no longer required they have gotten much more applications with higher GPAs than they are used to. Hopefully we all get it !!!

If you didn't get in last application period, my chances are slim to none. Haha

No don't think like that. And last period I didn't have all the classes I finished I took DEP over the summer so it wasn't able to be used for FALL.. think positive

Specializes in Neonatal Nursing.
No don't think like that. And last period I didn't have all the classes I finished I took DEP over the summer so it wasn't able to be used for FALL.. think positive

But I've only completed 7 classes and my Prereq GPA is 3.46. I'm hoping for the best, but I know it's unlikely without my TEAS.

Specializes in Neonatal Nursing.
No don't think like that. And last period I didn't have all the classes I finished I took DEP over the summer so it wasn't able to be used for FALL.. think positive

But thank you for the words of encouragement! haha And it's all good if I don't get in. I am also applying to FSW and Polk State College. I feel pretty good about being able to get in to either of those.

Well that's good just stay positive! I'm trying to even though I got denied last term. I just pray I get in somewhere I'm applying to 3 schools as well so hopefully I get in somewhere

Specializes in Neonatal Nursing.

What other schools are you looking at?

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