Scared to death


Specializes in Clinical Partner and CNA.

Hello everyone!! I'm new to allnurses. I've got all of my pre-req's done except A&P 1, 2 and micro. I tried taking A&P 1 almost 2 years ago and failed!! I was devastated. It was so hard and so fast paced my head was spinning. I'm at a completely different school now with a fresh start, I've got a 3.89 GPA and really need to make an A or B in anatomy. Can anyone recommend a way to memorize everything in a&p? I've tried the flash cards and coloring book and it's got me no where. I'm literally scared to death to start back to school in August. I will take any advice I can get.

Those are the same exact science classes I have left as well. My gpa is a 3.4 and I need to get at least an B+ in all three which is I know is no easy task. So I know how you feel.

Specializes in SDU, Tele.

Maybe Cliff's notes for AP will help? I have Barron's Anatomy&Physiology the easy way. Things like that are great for reviewing. Also, check if your campus has an Ap tutor. In my school we have an AP tutor and its free. Just look around. :)

Specializes in Oncology/Hematology.

I didn't have any luck with flash cards and stuff either. I found the absolute best way for me to memorize everything was to make mneumonics for literally EVERYTHING. Bones, muscles, parts of the brain, EVERYTHING! For example...for the layers of the skin I had "Champions Love Gold, Silver, and Bronze" for "Corneum, Lucidum, Granulosum, Spinosum, and Basale" which are in order from outside to inside. :) And I still remember all the names of everything for my mneumonics!

ALSO, the absolute best thing for me (and a lot of other people I know who weren't in my class!) was to use my Anatomy teacher's youtube videos. She goes over all the models (brain, heart, lymphatic system, muscles, just..everything!) in detail and shows you where everything is and how it functions. To find them just go to and look up "dixon anatomy". All her videos should be right there!

Specializes in Clinical Partner and CNA.

thank you all of the suggestions!! i love the mneumonics! obviously it's worked for you, bluechick112 because you still have it down pat!! i hope i'm like that at the end of the semester. i will def. check into a tutor. i know they have math tutors, but not sure about a&p. guiltysins, it looks like we are in the same boat. are you going to take any other classes this fall? thank you all for your advice!! good luck to everyone :)

Specializes in CTICU/CVICU.

Repetition and mneumonics worked for me. I wrote out notes in class..and then typed them up..and then did online flashcards. Also..PAY ATTENTION in class..don't be like some students..yakking and texting in class. If you need help, talk to the professor.

Google was also my friend..if there was something I didn't quite understand..I would find it on the internet and usually there it layman's terms that I could understand a little bit better.

I took A&P 1 this past spring and got a B+. I am finishing up a 6 week A&P 2 summer course this Thursday and I have a guaranteed A. Don't even have to take the final :yeah:

Good luck!

Specializes in Clinical Partner and CNA.

Thanks, Lovelymo79! That is encouraging. Congratulations on doing such a great job. Are you finished with your pre-req's after this?

Specializes in CTICU/CVICU.


I will be taking Chemistry in the next summer session (starting July 6th). Ok..that will be a totally DIFFERENT story! Pray for me! :lol2:

I also have microbiology but my school will let me do that next once school starts at the end of August..I'll just have my nursing courses. I actually have a BA already in a non-nursing field. So, nursing is a 2nd career for me.

You can do it. I am working full-time and part-time jobs..while in school. I don't have children..nor a hubby..but school and work still took a lot of my time. You just have to focus..know what you want and go for it!

Trust me..if I can do can too!

Specializes in Clinical Partner and CNA.

I took Chemistry at my other school, when I moved RSCC doesn't require it. But you can do it!! I'm telling you, if you can do A&P you will do great in Chemistry. I loved it because of all the reactions and experiments. Have you already been excepted or applied for your nursing program?

I am a stay at home mom. I have a 4 yr old and an 8 month old. My husband works for the police dept on 3rd shift, so it's kinda like being a single mom. I I know I would go crazy if I had to work full time too. You will do great in Chemistry & Micro!! :)

something that really worked for me was having a study group.

explain the concepts to your study partner, listen to your partner explain it, and discuss it together! this way, you are not merely reading the terms from your textbook or notes. you are hearing the concepts/terms out loud and you are using them yourself. this will help make it part of your everyday vocabulary, rather than a bunch of random facts you are memorizing. you will be able to retain the info better as well...which will be beneficial in nursing school as well as in your future career.

i hope this helps. all the best! :)

Specializes in CTICU/CVICU.

I haven't taken Chemistry since high school..and the class I have to take has organic chemistry in it too..just crazy! I dunno..we'll see how it goes!

Yup..I've been accepted! I'm going to a diploma program. I chose a diploma program because this particular one is known for graduating EXCELLENT nurses..who know their stuff and can hit the ground running. I love the history of it and that it's associated with a hospital. I also can do a RN-MSN program since I already have a I'm glad about that too.

Having young kids IS a full-time job..the "FULLEST"! I cannot IMAGINE having children and going to school..:bow:

I think you'll be fine in A&P!

Specializes in Clinical Partner and CNA.

Oh goodness, I just had regular chemistry not organic...thats prob a bit more difficult, but you can do it! so I have a stuid question, what is the difference in a diploma program and A.D.N??

Yes, having kids and going to school is really full time. The crazy thing was I had my baby in the middle of the semester. Thank God I was taking online classes, never missed a beat!!

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