Published Apr 29, 2009
Aneroo, LPN
1,518 Posts
Do you send students home for scabies or have a plan of care?
I've always had them f/u with their PMD but haven't had an issue so far with the parents not responding. I know for lice and impetigo we have standing orders on what to do. The teacher wanted to know if we needed to sent home a letter. I didn't think we did. These are older kids, and I said unless they are sharing equipment or clothes they should be ok, but just to keep an eye on it.
Purple_Scrubs, BSN, RN
1 Article; 1,978 Posts
In my district they are sent home and readmitted with a doctor's note. I also had a teacher who wanted (practically demanded) a letter sent home to all the parents in the class. I told her that was against district policy, and when she kept insisting I had to show her in a textbook that it is passed through "prolonged, direct skin to skin contact", and thus unlikely to be spread in a school setting. I still don't think she believed it!
36 Posts
I hate SCABIES!!! "Prolonged skin to skin contact" can be a problem with High Schoolers! Had it go rampant thru the football team and their girlfriends a few years ago. Anyways, we do not send home a generic letter either, but I do send the student home and will not allow a readmission without a note from the doctor saying that they are not contagious.
381 Posts
Ditto in my district! I have become very fond of making copies of policies or info from textbooks and giving it to staff. You just get tired of being questioned day in and day out!
Yep- she caught it from her brother, who wrestles. Hopefully no prolonged skin to skin contact, but I did mention to her to wash all sheets and towels in hot water and bleach. I'll take scabies over MRSA!
NurseLoveJoy88, ASN, RN
3,959 Posts
I just had a parent call me and tell me her child and all house hold members have scabies. The parent is doing everything right. She is keeping her home from school until being treated after 24hrs. She notified me in advance !
I am going to let her teacher know so that any other kids who may be itchy can be seen. The student is in Pre- k so I know there is atleast a risk for the other students and staff to contract the disease. In pre-k they touch each other all day long.