SAUNDERS -3RD edition?


hi just want to know if the saunders compre 3rd edition differs a whole lot from the 4th ed? cause i only have the 3rd edition the blue one.. and im planning to study again.. despite cold feet..after a year... still feeling scared about it.. but have to get this over and done with..

so should i get a 4th ed saunders or its just the same? pls..need your thoughts thanks so much.

and sure glad to read different posts about nclex exam attempts.. sigh


There is enough difference or they would not have come out with a new edition. You have none of the new format questions as a start with the third edition. There have also been subtle changes made in the book as well.

If you want to have the best chance of passing the exam, spend the money and get the new addition. It will be worth it to you.

alright noted! :) thanks so much for the links and info...

big help!

good to you rooftop and suzanne :)

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