Published Feb 5, 2010
370 Posts
As much as I love doing the questions from saunders 4th edition, I wish NCLEX was just like it..or pretty close to it.
The questions from this cd are straight to the point, simple and doesn't go around n around & tries to mess with ur head!! I'm not saying saunders that easy but atleast the questions don't confuse you as much and plays tricks with you!! This cd is very good for content and I wish they had another saunders book that specifically focused more on how to answer NCLEX type of questions!!
Would u agree? I don't mean that I want the license to be handed to me easily either but there should be just one book just 1 BEST book, just the right kinda book to prepare for the BOARDS!! Ya, don't just hand me my license in a platter, but atleast provide us with a useful and well worth prep/book instead of looking around thousands of books n trying to find just the right one!! I don't even know which book is the right one to study from anymore as I have 20 or so's a 50/50 gamble!!
Overall, I don't think NCLEX is fair enough..that's all lol. I'm basing my experience after failing nclex twice n I felt like as much as I studied, none of it helped me during the test. I didn't even see 1% of what I studied. I don't think I studied the wrong way either!! Because really, there isn't anyway to prepare for this beast. I don't know but I feel like nclex is all about LUCK and gods grace and PRAYS!!
I wish we could get more hands on before actually taking the beast (nclex) and pls don't tell me that we had rotations for hands on and college for that...cuz many of u know, majority of nursing schools are not that great..specially the college I attended.
We had continues abrupt fights/arguments through out class time. Students at clinicals/rotations (and these students are suppose to take care of pts?) OH HELL NO!! I wont mention every lil mishap but just know my experience at my nursing school wasn't quiet delightful. I wish I had done more research before just going for any nursing school!!
2,188 Posts
The school I attended for LPN was very professional and I have no complaints about my education there. We were advised to get the Saunders NCLEX review book right away and to do 200 questions a week.
I studied from Saunders for every exam in school and did well on all the exams and the HESI.
There were 28 people in my graduating class, everyone passed the board exam on the first try.
I start the RN program at the local college in May. One of the gals from my LPN class has already started there. She told me its not as organized as our LPN program and that we certainly have an advantage in that we were taught far above the requirements for LPN and we know how to prepare for the NCLEX.
Bottom line is researching the school before attending.
38,333 Posts
There are several student forums where you can read student opinions about their schools. Check these out. Good luck on your test.