San Jacinto Fall 2019


Hello Everyone!

I hope someone could help if they have any information regarding the San Jacinto nursing program. For some odd reason both campuses have not posted deadline dates for Spring 2019. A few months back I contacted the North campus. I've noticed they only have a spring entrance if they have enough clinical space. Central campus always has both entrances. I remember I was told by Mid June or July they would post. Well nothing yet but what I find odd is that central campus has not chose all Fall candidates. Fall semester starts next month! I'm so confused if anyone has any information I would appreciate it.

Specializes in Psychiatry.

ADN Admission Information | San Jacinto College

It appears the deadline as April 20th at noon for fall 2018

I was looking for the Spring 2019 blog when I found this one. Not sure if there is one for Spring. I am on the same boat, I went to the campus to have my transcript evaluated and they told me they should have the dates around Friday (last friday 7-13) So I've been checking almost every day but still nothing.

Yes, it is crazy they have never had a delay in posting dates. Even for Fall 2018 it took awhile to pick students for the program. I know that north campus does not always have a spring entrance due to clinical space. I hope they do though, and I also hope they post dates soon too. Let me know if you hear any news I will do the same!

I just checked today the dates for Spring 2019 August 8th- Oct 8th. I'm not sure north campus is having a spring entrance. I will email them to see if they will be having one.

Yes! I was just coming to comment this information. However, the meeting schedules aren't posted yet. I hope they do soon so I can schedule one.

Also, does anyone know how to set up this Castlebranch website? Or do you think it will be discussed in the meetings?

To be honest, I never attended a meeting and I set up my castle branch on my own. Pretty straight forward. I paid for my drug screen and uploaded my immunization titer. Of course, it will be discussed I just jumped the gun.

I posted in the school forum about Spring 2019; I'm glad to see some info here!

@AnnamarieZTA, the CastleBranch login info is on the San Jac website under Central's section. The CastleBranch link is really tiny and easy to miss.

@MP3189, positive titers will work for the immunizations, right? The wording was kinda weird. I know I have to get TDAP, Flu, And TB reaction.

I have 2 weeks left of APII and will take Micro in Fall (it will be my in-progress.) My rubric without those 2 classes is 17.

Yes, positive titers are perfect. I had one negative but I'm almost done with the hep b series. I'm curious about the flu vaccine. I don't think they are administering yet. Remember get your CPR from the American heart association to be valid. I'm doing AP II too! Also, Micro in the fall with Chem. Have you taken your HESI? I take it August 31 st I'm scared!

Yea, I figured it out a day after I posted. Hah! Thanks!

I took HESI yesterday. It's challenging but I came out with a great score, surprisingly. Focus on A&P because there are only 30 questions in that section and are weighted differently. The others have 55 questions.

I'm in chem this fall as well! Morning class on MW.

@mp3189 flu shots aren't out yet but they will be before the deadline.

That's great congrats! Would you say the questions are more organ system related ? I remember I was told know your systems. Also, know how blood flows.

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