San Francisco State- GMSN 2012


Just thought I would start a thread for the 2012 batch of students- I have not seen one on here yet. I have not been accepted yet, but I am #4 on the wait list. Does anyone know the chances of wait listers getting in? Congrats to those who got in! Time to start getting to know one another ... :)

Thanks for starting this thread. I will be attending SFSU in Fall 2012 for the GMSN (CNS-Women's Health) program. Looking forward to getting to know everyone! I've had difficulty finding information about the program, but have been in contact with some nurses in the area and they have said good things about SFSU. @Gobbstopper- I am not sure about the wait-list situation, but #4 seems pretty high on the list to me! I would actually be surprised if you don't get in. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it to an info session about the program, so I've been trying to piece together info mostly from the internet. Anyone else out there who will be attending in the Fall 2012, or any current/past nursing students at SFSU want to share his/her experience and/or advice?

Hello, I will be attending SFSU Fall 2012 GMSN program - Nursing Administration option. I am excited and also nervous. I know a couple of people who have gone through this program, one had a great experience and one not so great. I guess it all depends on what you put into the program to get the most out of it. I have seen another post about Fall 2012 admission that said there is a $100 deposit due, can someone please clarify this because I did not receive this information. I was just told to mail back my response letter into the nursing department. Good luck to everyone!

@jali22- The $100 depost was not directly to the school of nursing, but to SFSU admissions. I mailed my response letter to the nursing school, but I also logged online to accept my admissions offer to SFSU and pay $100 deposit. Hope that makes sense. Looking forward to meeting you- I'm a bit nervous myself as I haven't heard much about the GMSN program. What have people told you about the program? (just curious)...

Hi Swedee5886, well there are 2 people who I know that went through this program but both of them did it 6+ years ago so things might have changed by then. One of them had a problem with one of the instructors not liking her for some reason so that made things difficult for her. I think overall they both had good things to say about the program. I think the commute to SF was tiring at times for both of them but I guess you have to get used to it. I actually will have to commute across the Bay either by driving across the bridge or BART depending on what is going on that day for class. I am just curious as to what the clinical sites are now. I did hear that they might start Summer classes again because at one point due to budget cuts the Summer classes were taken away. Have you heard anything about that? Well I was not informed of the $100 deposit, I am not sure if this is because I am an alumni of this school or not. I actually graduated from SFSU in 2006 with my MBA so this will be my 2nd attempt at a masters degree. I have always been interested and admired what nurses do but I never had the courage to change gears and tackle the sciences until now. This will be a huge change for me but I am up to the challenge!

Hey Guys,

I have been accepted to SFSU and have accepted the offer. I am still not sure I am going to go though, still waiting to hear back from another school or two.

Anyways, Jali22, where/when did you hear about bringing back summer courses! That would make my day!

See you all soon!


Still haven't heard anything from SFSU, but have been doing some research, and have some questions:

First, they emailed me and said I could check my waitlist status online, but did not provide a way to do that. Anyone know how to do this?

Second, I put FNP for my specialization, but have since seen that they don't offer that for the GMSN. Am I going to be put automatically in either CNS or Admin? Or are they offering FNP now?

Third, if I do get in, how bad is it to live across the bay? My boyfriend will be graduating with his masters in teaching, and will hopefully get a job in the area- but it's a teaching job that doesn't pay much. I was looking on craigslist, and it seems to be affordable to live in the Oakland area. People advise I live in the city- but it costs too much! How bad is the commute, and is it worth the saving of money?

Thanks guys!

Hi there,

I'm currently taking my prerequesites and am interested in applying to SFSU masters program. I was wondering if any of you would be willing to share your GPA and any tips on getting accepted there. I have a 3.25 GPA and am wondering if it's worth applying to SFSU. Thanks for your help!

Hi TinaBina,

I saw you posted this question on another thread, so see my response there. It is definitely worth applying with that GPA ;)


I'm waitlisted too, but I don't see anything on my SFSU account to check for waitlist status. Did you get an email stating that they received your waitlist reponse? It said that the wait list can be accessed May 15. I'm not sure if that meant that they'll be able to update us on our wait list position on our account or if that means that they'll start accepting people off the wait list. If anything, I think you might have to wait until then to check on your status.

Does anyone know that quality of the FNP program at sfsu, such as the if the professors are good or bad; if they assist with finding clinical preceptors; is the program organized and structured?

Please share information if you have any or found anything out because I got a negative review from a current student but I want to find out if it is true or not...

Just to update this thread...I too am on the waitlist and just received an e-mail updating me on my status. Since I wasn't that high up on the waitlist and I moved up some spots, I'm guessing the ones that were have been offered admission. The wait is killing me! I'm so worried that at this point, no more spots will open up!

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