Samuel Merritt ABSN - Spring 2019



I'm new to this site, but have been following the allnurses posts regarding Samuel Merritt program applications religiously for a while now. I recently applied to the ABSN and ELMSN - FNP program for the July 1 deadline. Thought it would be great to have a place to provide insight, stay updated and share experiences with all of you through this terrifying journey. I mean we ONLYYY have to wait until October - November to hear anything. Let the wait begin.....

Looking forward to hearing from you all :)

Hi there! I applied to ABSN and the case management program :)

I applied to the ABSN only.. can't believe we have to wait so long!!

I also applied to the Sacramento ABSN and ELMSN-FNP programs! Hopefully we all get accepted and can experience this together! Am I the only one who found the application questions to be extremely difficult due to the short word limits?

How did everyone do on the HESI?

Hello! I also applied to the ABSN program (SAC), and I have been anxiously waiting to see a post on here about it. So happy you started one.

In regards to the questions, I had a difficult time cutting my essay down to meet the character requirement. I wish they interviewed instead! :)

As far as the HESI, I scored a 91.6%. I would have liked to score higher, but I am happy with it. My highest was AP, so I hope that stands out!

October seems too far to wait....

I applied to the ABSN program in Sacramento. I hope these next few months fly by, but I feel like they won't.

It was difficult to stay in the character limits for sure but hopefully we all did well and will get in! My HESI score was 95.2% overall. What were everyone's last 60 gpa and science gpa?

Good luck everyone!

Hello all. Good luck! I hope you all get in. In sure you all will based on the stats listed :)

Where did everyone take pathophysiology? I'm having a tough time finding one.

I took it online through Santa Barbara city college. Samuel Merritt has an approved list so just check that out to make sure they will take the class.

I took it online through Santa Barbara city college. Samuel Merritt has an approved list so just check that out to make sure they will take the class.

Thanks. I'll have to check their schedule.

I am currently in their online 6 week summer course. Yuba City College also offers it online. It is required to have AP done prior to taking it, or you can take Santa Barbaras online BSM146 course prior, which is an AP over view. I did that while I had AP in progress for Pharmacology.

Thanks for starting this thread! I, too, have gone over old threads to see what to expect and was anxiously awaiting one for Spring 2019 applicants! I applied for the ABSN program in San Mateo. Currently finishing up patho and pharm online through Butler Community College in Kansas.

I am currently in their online 6 week summer course. Yuba City College also offers it online. It is required to have AP done prior to taking it, or you can take Santa Barbaras online BSM146 course prior, which is an AP over view. I did that while I had AP in progress for Pharmacology.

thank you!

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