Samuel Merritt ABSN Sacramento Spring 2010

U.S.A. California


What's up people? So I've been searching for some threads pertaining to this program in leu of going crazy after submitting my application. So I figured I would start a post so that us SacTown applicants can chat... Anyone know how long before SM sends their letters?

Hi Renee9G,

Congratulations on getting in! It will be quite a year. Can't wait to meet you at the new student orientation.

Hi all, things fell pretty silent on the boards... Any updates about hearing anything? Have all the calls been made? This is a brutal process for sure.

Hey Matt- I haven't heard anything, but two girls from the San Mateo Cohort were notified today. Guess it doesn't mean anything for us because they seem to work on separate timelines anyways. Maybe tomorrow

Hey Guys,

I spoke with someone in Sacramento and she informed me that they have put their admissions process on hold because somebody is out sick so they havent made any more decisions regarding acceptances.

annalynn- thanks for the update. I was starting to get worried since the ones who already got their acceptance calls were notified a week ago. At least we don't have to stress over it this weekend. Thanks!

Did anyone else get the email about the information session for the Martinez clinicals tomorrow? I was confused about why I got it since I don't live within 25 miles of Martinez. Is anyone going? I'm debating whether it's worth it to go if we don't even know our admission status yet. Hope you all are having a good weekend.

Hey Melody- I didn't get that email. Would you post it so I could see what it says?


This was the email:


My name is ----- and I am the managing Director for Samuel Merritt University on the Sacramento campus. I am in the process of completing the application process for our 2010 ABSN cohort, staring in January. The goal of this email is to inform you of the opportunity that has been presented to the Sacramento campus once again. We began a pilot program last year and it has been extended to our students again for the 2010 school year. I have attached a letter that discusses this opportunity that you may be interested in.

How was your name selected you may ask, well, I took your mailing address that was presented on your application and here we are. The central location is Martinez and the radius utilized was approximately 25 miles in either direction.

This opportunity is for a total of 8 students to complete a majority of their clinical experiences at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center in Martinez. Therefore, living in close proximity well positions you for such experience. I will be having an information meeting, on Monday, October 5th, beginning at 1000. This time should only take one hour as I would like to offer information about the hospital, the program, and what it is like for the students to complete this cohort model.

I look forward to meeting you in person! I bet you are very anxious in regards to your admission placement within the Sacramento Regional Learning Center. This must be an exciting time for you! The nursing field is such a wonderful and rewarding field. I have been a nurse for over 12 years and have loved every minute, more so, being a nurse educator tops the list! I have been on this campus from the day we opened in 2002. This is now our 12th group of nursing students to come to campus and each year it gets better and better! We have a wonderful group of faculty and staff to assist all students throughout their stay here on campus.

Again, thank you for the opportunity of allowing me to share the advancement of clinical rotations at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center. I can not tell you how excited and dedicated we are to make this a WIN-WIN for both the students as well as the medical facility. I have attached a letter that describes this opportunity as well.

I look forward to meeting with you and potentially embarking on this new journey with you! Please do send an email back if you plan on attending or if you can not, let me know and we can set up a conference call.


I took out some of the information on the location since I wasn't sure if we could post that.

Melody- Do you at least live in the Bay area? I kind of think it would be a good idea to go. I think it would show them that you are very interested in being a part of this school and that you are willing to take part in this pilot to make SMU better. What do you think?

Yeah you're probably right. I think I will go. I wonder if anyone else got the email, there were about thirty people on the Sent list.

Hello anxious friends. So as we enter into another week of frantically checking this thread, of making excuses to check our cell phones, and of precariously clinging to any piece of information that keeps our hope alive; I just want to remind all of us to take a deep breath and remember that whatever the outcome, it's for the best. This may be the corniest post but kinda cathartic in a way. Good luck to everyone.

Hello anxious friends. So as we enter into another week of frantically checking this thread, of making excuses to check our cell phones, and of precariously clinging to any piece of information that keeps our hope alive; I just want to remind all of us to take a deep breath and remember that whatever the outcome, it's for the best. This may be the corniest post but kinda cathartic in a way. Good luck to everyone.

Matt, thanks for the inspirational message. It's really nice to know that other people are going through the same thing. I spoke to the director today, acceptance calls are going to start again tomorrow through the end of this week. Now I just have to try not to check my cell phone every five seconds. Good luck everyone!

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