Samuel Merritt ABSN Sacramento Spring 2010

U.S.A. California


What's up people? So I've been searching for some threads pertaining to this program in leu of going crazy after submitting my application. So I figured I would start a post so that us SacTown applicants can chat... Anyone know how long before SM sends their letters?

Specializes in Oncology.

Hey folks, I just discovered this board which is great since I'm giving myself a stroke over the 2010 Sac cohort. I haven't gotten my phone call yet so I've pretty much given up on being accepted but I was wondering if anyone has gotten a waitlist call yet. Much luck to the rest of you and congrats to those who've already heard.

AJPcv- I wouldn't be too stressed yet. They said they would be figuring out the rest of the class beginning on the 12th, which was Monday. I was told we would probably know something by the end of October. I'm hoping they start calling people by this Friday because the wait is killing me. But seriously, don't count yourself out.

I got an email last night that I am on the waitlist but they haven't figured out the sequence order for people on the waitlists! I'm hoping for #1-#5! :)

annalynn- I got the same email. It's so frustrating to me that they didn't figure out the waitlist order before telling us. I hate this waiting game. Just want to know already. I'm with you though 1-5 would be good. Good luck!

hey guys, i dunno if you got your packets about the stuff we need to get done before school starts, but there is a sheet informing us that we need to get both seasonal flu shots and H1N1. How are we to get the H1N1 shot if there not even available yet and most likely will be a mad rush when they do come out! Anyone have any ideas?

hey guys, i dunno if you got your packets about the stuff we need to get done before school starts, but there is a sheet informing us that we need to get both seasonal flu shots and H1N1. How are we to get the H1N1 shot if there not even available yet and most likely will be a mad rush when they do come out! Anyone have any ideas?

I was wondering about that too. I got my regular flu shot but I don't know where/how we're supposed to get our H1N1 shots. I think I will wait until it gets closer to the deadline and see if I can get it then, otherwise, I'll probably just submit the form saying I won't get it, and then try and get it sometime this year when they are more available.

On an unrelated note, what kind of loans is everyone looking into? I feel a little overwhelmed and I'm not sure where to start.

annalynn- did you find out your waitlist #?

hey guys, i dunno if you got your packets about the stuff we need to get done before school starts, but there is a sheet informing us that we need to get both seasonal flu shots and H1N1. How are we to get the H1N1 shot if there not even available yet and most likely will be a mad rush when they do come out! Anyone have any ideas?

I believe to get the H1N1 (it's a nasal vaccine) you have to get the regular flu shot first. After you've gotten the regular flu shot you can get the H1N1. The form says you can waive your right to the shot right now, but you can always take it later if you change your mind. Since i didnt get my shot yet i waived it, but ended up getting it a week later. My boyfriend's dad works at the hospital on base and actually gave me my flu shot and told me the info about getting the H1N1 vaccine. Has everyone gotten their financial aid packets yet? I got mine and am doing sooo much research on what loans/lenders to get...It's somewhat frustrating trying to decide what the best lender is and if i should just go with a private loan or the parent plus.

annalynn- did you find out your waitlist #?

My friend was in the ABSN spring cohort as well but found out she got into the master's program (she was waitlisted) and dropped her spot from the ABSN program for the master's program today so im sure people will start moving up on the waitlist.

Nancy- do you by chance know what number your friend was waitlisted for in the master's program?

Nancy- do you by chance know what number your friend was waitlisted for in the master's program?

i believe she was #2 so she had a really good chance of getting in.

I believe to get the H1N1 (it's a nasal vaccine) you have to get the regular flu shot first. After you've gotten the regular flu shot you can get the H1N1. The form says you can waive your right to the shot right now, but you can always take it later if you change your mind. Since i didnt get my shot yet i waived it, but ended up getting it a week later. My boyfriend's dad works at the hospital on base and actually gave me my flu shot and told me the info about getting the H1N1 vaccine. Has everyone gotten their financial aid packets yet? I got mine and am doing sooo much research on what loans/lenders to get...It's somewhat frustrating trying to decide what the best lender is and if i should just go with a private loan or the parent plus.

I got my financial aid packet about a week ago. Was a private loan listed for you in your packet? I got offered the parent plus, but I don't think my parents' credit is good enough to be approved and I'd rather not have them take out a loan for me anyways. An alternative loan wasn't listed for me, so I'm not sure I can even take out a private loan. Let me know if you figure anything out, it's very frustrating.

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