Salisbury Accelerated BSN Applicants for 2014

U.S.A. Maryland


So I have applied for SU's aBSN for fall entry of 2014. I have been checking out threads on this site from applicants from years past and was just looking for insight from other applicants during this waiting process! I have turned everything in but just curious if anyone has received any confirmation that the college has received all of their application materials. I know that they don't really start notifying applicants until February/March but I just wanted to hear from other applicants to help me through this process!

Anyone else applied for Salisbury's accelerated 2nd degree program for the fall of 2014?

Best of luck to you! Have you hear anything from your other programs yet?

No I haven't heard from anyone else yet except for the fact that my application was complete. Did you guys receive the letter in a big envelope??

Nope it was just a normal sized envelope with two or three pieces of paper inside I believe.

Hi guys. Just found this thread so please allow me to join the conversation. Congrats to all the people who have been accepted. I just got a letter yesterday saying I am wait listed. To be honest I don't quite understand. I am a biology major with a graduating gpa of 3.25 (only because of organic chemistry) and a pre req gpa of 3.82 and outstanding recommendations from SU professors. I think my letter was good so what would I have to do to gain acceptance? I am a little frustrated there were no personal interviews done this year (at least that's what I was told) because whatever they could have possibly found lacking might have been clarified. As far as desire to enter the field, I was going to turn down a $90,000+ job to go to SU. Anyway, sorry for the rant just really frustrated and a little hurt. Any comments will be greatly appreciated.

Ah! So. Here's what happened with me... And I'm going to be honest, but don't lose hope! I just got my letter on Friday - some snafu with my mail forwarding - it was dated 2/11. I got in. They ask for a statement of intent, due 2/28. There isn't a deposit though, so I guess one could technically still back out after stating intent. So. My guess would be that if you didn't get a letter yet, you weren't a first pick. However, I assume that not everyone will necessarily return the statement of intent, so I wouldn't lose hope

Hi, welcome to the thread.

2 things occur to me when I read your rant :).

1. What is your background/work experience? The job offer that you're talking about - what field is it in?

2. Not to get you down, but I think most of the people who already got letters had 3.30's and up, cumulative. I did, and that was after 150+ credits, including 10 credits of organic chem (soooooo much chemistry!!). Also I repeated Orgo 2 and went from an F to an A, so I feel like that might have demonstrated commitment/ability to improve. But, don't give up yet. I'm sure as people hear back from other programs (think April) SU will have some slots open up.

I understand a 3.25 is a little low. Not to diminish anyone elses accomplishments or to elevate my own but I did that while getting up at 3 am and going to work (as early as 2 am during December finals) being a full time student and raising 2 six year olds, 1 four year old and 1 one year old. In addition to being a husband, soccer coach, and tee ball coach. Any lacking in my grades was due to time constraints and not ability. This is the purpose of interviews because on paper there is no real apple to apple comparison between students. This way is somewhat arbitrary at best. Nobody works harder than I do. My work experience is not healthcare related but my work ethic is reflected in my history. I was a superintendent with a municipality in charge 25 people responsible for upkeep and expansion of existing infrastructures. From there I was recruited by a company as hey utility Foreman in charge of 25 to 40 people installing roads, sewer, stormdrains, and water lines in new housing developments. I quit thus job to go back to school and be home with my children. I have management experience and have proven through schooling and job performance that I can learn anything and be very good at what I do. The job I was referring to earlier is a full time job at ups. Under their new 5 year contract I will earn $37/hrs with an avg 5 hrs OT /week. I don't want to do this but I may have to because the funny thing about kids is once you feed them they just get hungry all over again!

Congrats in getting in busybee91!

Bigpoppa- I'm sorry to hear that you got weight listed and it seems to me that you have really good grades compared to me. (2nd degree stopped doing interviews since last year because I heard that there are just too many applicants to do that.) My overall gpa was the same as yours but my pre reqs were even lower. However, from the people that got accepted so far I can see that most of us have a lot of healthcare experience. Some of us are NA, some are certified phlebotomist and I am a registered rt. I know for second degree that they look at overall qualifications instead of just gpa so maybe that's why you got wait listed. I know my friends from previous years got small jobs in hospitals to get tem more exposed to healthcare. If you don't get in this year, I would try to get some experience or volunteer work and apply again if you haven't lost hope. It sounds like you are very busy so I know it's tough to find time for this while at the same time providing for your kids but this is just what I have complicated.

Hey bigpoppa, I totally sympathize with your frustrations! Any type of rejection sucks (even a semi-one like being wait-listed)! But I don't think you should give up! Since at this point you can't really change you overall GPA and you pre-req GPA is very high you need HEALTHCARE EXPERIENCE!! It's a tough economy and you got kids to feeds, so I would take the take the job at UPS, work the minimum hours possible and find a part-time health gig OR do something like take a CNA course and get paid to gain experience that way, that's my Plan B if I get rejected from the schools I applied to. Getting into nursing school ain't easy no more, something that baffles my mother (who is a nurse herself). It's tough and you have to put your best foot forward on your application, especially since interviews are scarce. It sounds like you have a good strong work ethic, so really channel that into finding employment that will give you healthcare experience...just my 2 cents.

Well the results are in.................I was wait-listed! :sarcastic: I'm surprisingly cool, calm and collected about it. I was expecting the absolute worst so the fact that I was wait-listed is far better than being rejected ;). I still have 2 other schools to hear from, so I'm not sweating yet! I did apply for a position at Children's Hospital in DC and if they offer me the position but I'm still wait-listed then sh!t's gonna get awkward!

Thanks to everyone for listening to me complain about my wait list letter. Fact is I am very grateful because I have options. I can't really afford any volunteering so I guess its ups for me. Mundane and not intellectually stimulating but I can retire in 15 years and get a decent monthly check and maybe then I will have the time to gain healthcare experience. My mother in law is DON at a local nursing home and said that no interviews is a poor representation of the school and the profession. I turned down a spot at UMES PT school cause I wasn't sure that was my niche and I couldn't go 3 yes w/o a paycheck. The only reason I was accepted was my interview cause most others grades blew me out of the water. There I go ranting again. Once again congrats to all of the who have been accepted. Your hard work paid off. Anyway, next time you see the ups guy wave cause it might be me!

Well good luck! I'll agree with pink and guess that it might be a lack of healthcare exp. It sounds like you have a pretty good handle on where you stand regarding financial needs vs volunteer time, otherwise I'd recommend joining a vfd or volunteering in a local ED (I work full time and take part time classes but don't have kids yet, so presumably I've got more free time, but that was what I did). Hopefully spots open up for you guys!

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