seems inflated!


I recently moved to San Antonio Texas. I got a job starting at 17 and some change per hour base. This is half of what I was making base pay at my previous job. Basically, with this this pay ill make about 30,000 to 35,000 a year. I then procede to and it states the low end average for nurses is 43,000 and the median is 56,000. Hmmmm....I cant imagine being that far from the low end. Anyone with some insites? I understand that is an average but i should at least be making low end pay.


Specializes in Utilization Management.

Question: Did you negotiate your salary or just accept the figure they gave you?

I recently moved to San Antonio Texas. I got a job starting at 17 and some change per hour base. This is half of what I was making base pay at my previous job. Basically, with this this pay ill make about 30,000 to 35,000 a year. I then procede to and it states the low end average for nurses is 43,000 and the median is 56,000. Hmmmm....I cant imagine being that far from the low end. Anyone with some insites? I understand that is an average but i should at least be making low end pay.


Is that including weekend differential and shift differential?

You are still going to get a variation in each city, your place can be lower......

What type of facility are you working in?

I didnt negotiate my pay. Im still a new nurse and I guess still havent learned the tricks of the trade. As a new nurse with only 8 months of experience is this something that I could do? This pay is without differentials but I am working straight days with no weekends.


Oh yah, and those salary figures come from the place that I am currently in. San Antonio

Waht type of facility are you working in? Hospital, physician's office, LTC, etc.

I recently moved to San Antonio Texas. I got a job starting at 17 and some change per hour base. This is half of what I was making base pay at my previous job. Basically, with this this pay ill make about 30,000 to 35,000 a year. I then procede to and it states the low end average for nurses is 43,000 and the median is 56,000. Hmmmm....I cant imagine being that far from the low end. Anyone with some insites? I understand that is an average but i should at least be making low end pay.


Are you an RN?

I would guess (don't know though) that information comes from the average of all working nurses, so would include people who get shift and weekend differential. I believe they also base their stated salary on 2080 hours per year, rather than the 1872 that most 12-hour shift folks work.

I recently moved to San Antonio Texas. I got a job starting at 17 and some change per hour base. This is half of what I was making base pay at my previous job. Basically, with this this pay ill make about 30,000 to 35,000 a year. I then procede to and it states the low end average for nurses is 43,000 and the median is 56,000. Hmmmm....I cant imagine being that far from the low end. Anyone with some insites? I understand that is an average but i should at least be making low end pay.


You were making $35/hr at your previous job as an RN,--being a new nurse? is dead on the money when it comes to my area. I make +-$50 of what they listed as a fairly new nurse. I'm due for my 1st year raise, however. is waaaay off. By 10-20 thousand for my area, or so i'm told.

Maybe they're trying to trick people into going into nursing. :p

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