SAHM's or other busy people - time management tips

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi! I know this has been brought up before on AN, but all of the posts I could find are a few years old. I want to hear from anyone with time management tips for studying while being home with or caring for children. I suppose a lot of the time management tips would apply to people who work out of home, too. I think the hardest part for me is that I take my kids to and from school daily and attend and drive all of their afterschool activities as well as am home with my youngest kids during the day.

Some study tips I learned this semester:

1. McDonalds is a great place to bring my kids and study. Yes, it's noisy, but it helped me learn how to study under pressure in my classroom-where there is noise. My 4 year old will play all day in the play structure and I can get in several hours of study time. Plus McDonald's has wifi and free refills on coffee.

2. You will adapt to getting by on less sleep than usual and going to be later than usual.

3. Leaving the house to study helps me focus. But, I can bring my older kids with me and have bonding time. We also learn study habits from eachother by doing this.

4. Starbucks is a good place to study.

5. It's a good idea to meet up with friends who aren't studying the same thing as you but who are willing to meet you at Starbucks.

6. Too much coffee will mess up your tummy! I mean over 3 cups per day!

7. Learning speed reading and memorization techniques is helpful.

8. Buy a planner to organize your assignments and use it!

9. It's good to send your kid to his grandma's house at least 1 day per week to study- at least at the begining of the term when you're adjusting.

Future nurses and current nurses, I need more help than this! What works for you? I am trying to get very good grades at my local community college.

I only took 2 classes this term (Gen Chem and English) and want to take 3 eventually. Plus I'll probably earn B's and I need to earn A's. Help me please!

I have to admit when I read the mcdonalds idea I thought "no way in heck". I started thinking about it though in relation to the toddler (almost 3yrs) I have now, as opposed to how my older children were. He requires less supervision than they did in terms of "playing nice" and not doing things that endanger life, limb or eyesight. The older three are in school so its just him during the day. Some of the McDonalds in the city near my town have renovated and have that new setup where the playplace is in a spacious room with lots of tables. I tried it once last week, and got a lot done! So I did it again today too.

I am currently taking Organic Chem (the Chem major one that has two parts over two semesters) and I never would have thought it would work but I am able to work through problems while he plays. I may need a quieter time to memorize reaction mechanisms but it is just right for doing the problems.

Wow - a truly inspiring thread. Thank you for all the tips and advice. I am a SAHM to a 3-yr-old and will be starting my prereqs June 1st. I am so nervous about balancing family life with school, but as made evident by all of you amazing ladies, it CAN BE DONE!

I am taking 3 online courses during this 8 week Summer session: English Comp I, Intro to Computer Info Systems, and College Algebra. Even though we really can't afford it, my daughter will be in childcare 2 days a week so I can get my course work done. I have struggled with guilt over this, but she loves our childcare provider (a friend and fellow loving mommy who watches children in her home) and I know that school will simply not be doable if I don't have that time to myself to study. We do not have family near us who are willing to help out and my husband works a lot, so childcare seems like the only option.

This Fall, I'll be taking A&P I on campus 2 days a week (it's an hour drive from my home - bleh! :down: ) and both Eng Comp II and a Psych course online. I hope to be able to continue putting my daughter in childcare just 2 days a week while I work on school during that time as well. I want to try to get as much studying and homework done as I possibly can on those few days my daughter will be out of the house, because I'm not sure if I'll have many other opportunities during the week. Hopefully I can utilize some of the great tips I've read in this thread. :yeah:

I have to admit when I read the mcdonalds idea I thought "no way in heck". I started thinking about it though in relation to the toddler (almost 3yrs) I have now, as opposed to how my older children were. He requires less supervision than they did in terms of "playing nice" and not doing things that endanger life, limb or eyesight. The older three are in school so its just him during the day. Some of the McDonalds in the city near my town have renovated and have that new setup where the playplace is in a spacious room with lots of tables. I tried it once last week, and got a lot done! So I did it again today too.

I am currently taking Organic Chem (the Chem major one that has two parts over two semesters) and I never would have thought it would work but I am able to work through problems while he plays. I may need a quieter time to memorize reaction mechanisms but it is just right for doing the problems.

Giving your child "moving around" time in a McDonald's play place is GREAT! Kids learn by doing, and when they are moving, climbing, tumbling, etc... their brain is growing! (Have you taken Human Development, yet? Because you'll learn that, if you didn't already know it, in that class.) Do NOT feel guilty for one minute for letting your child play. McDonald's food is NOT the same as their play place -- one is okay now and then, while the other is okay anytime! :) Also, my 2 cents: Lego's, when your kids are old enough, are a WONDERFUL brain-building toy! Scoop them up when you see them at yard sales. Kids need that kinesthetic playtime -- they develop spacial reasoning, fine motor control and other brain-building skills. Feel guilty if they spend a TON of time (not a little) in front of the tv day after day. ) I vote for playtime at McDonald's over tv any day! You're a smart mama to have found such a great happy medium. :)

Specializes in Critical Care, Med-Surg, Psych, Geri, LTC, Tele,.

This thread I started so many years ago is so ancient!! Can I get a status update on Anyones nursing school successes?? how are the super moms doing?!

I agree with vintagemother. Can we get an update?

I am not really a SAHM, but in a way I am. I work nights and home all day with my kids. My son is 2 and daughter 5. My daughter is currently in half-day kinder so my day is pretty much focused on getting her ready and then to and from school. I go to school in the evenings and by then my husband is home to take care of them. Lately I have been getting by with very little sleep, I come home at 4:30am and wake up by 9:30am- thats on a good day. I've thought about getting on a different schedule but as many of you know, daycare is expensive these days (not to mention leaving your child with someone other than family is not always ideal).

I have never thought of McDonalds as a place to study. Or should I say, I've never actually tried it. The other thing I have thought of while reading this is maybe rewarding the kids with playtime at Mcdonalds or BK for good behavior or helping out around the house so that I can focus on other things like homework or whatever else needs to be done. My 5 year old is perfectly capable of cleaning up after herself. Picking up her plate from the table or putting her shoes where they belong are simple chores that go a long way. Most days my daughter is given homework so we sit at the table together and do homework. She does hers and I do mine. I think it sets a great example for my kids when I tell them that I am in college and thats why I am doing homework.

These are the kinds of things that make me more relaxed and less stressed. I try not to feel guilty about time spent with my kids. But when I do start feeling guilty I remind myself of one thing- everything I do is for them, every decision I make is with their best interest in mind.

Specializes in Critical Care, Med-Surg, Psych, Geri, LTC, Tele,.

Thanks for replying! I think it is very commendable that you work nights as a way of sacrificing in the best interests of your kids. I am currently working a noc shift as I type this, also in order to have my days available for school and my kids. My update is that my dh and I are separated, he couldn't hang with the stress of me not being able to handle the money and kids himself when school starred taking more of my time. Since he and I separated last fall, I completed my c.n.a. And am working as a sitter and nurse assistant. I am taking a&p 1, just had my 1st class tonight. So I'm still trucking along on this path to become a nurse. All of my kids are school aged now, which is both good and bad when it comes to finding time to study, as they have lots of afterschool and weekend sports activities. But that didn't stop me from acing micro, carrying that book to every basketball and soccer game, lol!

I don't know if I would call my self a stay at home mom or that I had trouble fin ding a 'traditional job' I run my own cleaning service and I do drop in day care service on the days I have class for my 2 1/2 year old. I also recently started homeschooling my daughter.

Specializes in ER / Critical Care.

The ONLY time I get to study and do homework/assignments and my online classes is AFTER my son goes to sleep :/

Thanks for replying! I think it is very commendable that you work nights as a way of sacrificing in the best interests of your kids. I am currently working a noc shift as I type this, also in order to have my days available for school and my kids. My update is that my dh and I are separated, he couldn't hang with the stress of me not being able to handle the money and kids himself when school starred taking more of my time. Since he and I separated last fall, I completed my c.n.a. And am working as a sitter and nurse assistant. I am taking a&p 1, just had my 1st class tonight. So I'm still trucking along on this path to become a nurse. All of my kids are school aged now, which is both good and bad when it comes to finding time to study, as they have lots of afterschool and weekend sports activities. But that didn't stop me from acing micro, carrying that book to every basketball and soccer game, lol!

That is awesome! Keep your head up and know that we are all on this journey together:) It's always good to hear another person and their story. I know things get hard every once and a while but you are doing great! Despite the separation, it is great that you have stayed focused on school.

I just started Winter quarter, taking general biology and organic chemistry. I should be able to get into A&P next quarter. I will most likely quit or go on-call when the time comes (for nursing school of course) so that I can focus on school. My husband and I talked and he is aware that he will be responsible for EVERY expense when that happens. At this time we are trying to get finances in order so that we are prepared. By the way, things are not always jolly at my house. We have our moments just like any other couple, but this will be a true test of just how much he can hang.

What a great threat! Thank you for posting this!

I am SAHM to 3 kiddos Claudia is almost 8 next week and I have 2 year old twin boys. We have no family around and no help what so ever. My dh works long hours and all classes I took were either on the weekends or at night. I have completed all my per-requisites with straight As. My microbiology class was the most difficult, the material in itself is hard but my teacher was very demanding as well, she was very very hard, but I did manage to get high A in her class, which I am so proud off, only 4 people out of 25 got an A. I do all the cooking, cleaning, shopping, homework with Claudia and drive her to after school activities. There are days sometimes that the house was not vacuumed, dusted for days, and that is ok, we always try to keep our house clean, but the deep cleaning sometimes didn't get done. I can not stress enough the greatest invention called crock pot, during my last semester we have used all the time. The only time I can study is in the morning when everyone is still asleep. I wake up 3.00am to study every single day, there is no sleeping in on Saturday or Sunday for me. But I do go to bed early I am by no means a night person even if I try and I have, by 9.15pm my brain just shuts off. I also study when I my twinkies are napping about 1.30 hours a day. I review and go over printed Power Points when they are playing but that doesn't work sometimes, since one of my boys LOVES mommy's attention all the time.

I sent my application for Fall 2012 for nursing program and I am keeping my fingers triple crossed ;) I am very worried about study time once I get in, I am lucky in the aspect that my mom promised to look after my kids once I get into nursing. She lives in IL and we in TX, she would have to move in and live with us, and I am so grateful for that. My almost 8 year old daughter is very independent, she helps me with dinner, she plays with her brothers, she cleans her own room, etc. Just like someone said in the previous post it not about having them do work for you, but getting them ready for the outside world, besides family is like a team we have work together to make things work. I keep telling that to Claudia when she has moments and doesn’t follow through with her chores.

We truly are supermoms, good luck everyone, we can do this!

Specializes in Oncology.

I get up an hour before the kids, and stay up an hour after they go to bed. I don't have any in-laws/babysitters in town, so I send them to summer/winter "camps" where they play for four hours a day, five days a week when they're on school break. My husband will take them out for four hours on a Sat/Sun. I homeschool one of my kids (I have two, the other is in preschool 3x/wk), so these are the only ways I can really get my own time in.

I live in CT and my parents live in FL, so I have no family here to help. Up until recently, it was fine because my toddler was napping but he quit. I tried your McDonalds trick last week & I left all studied up and he left wiped out & then (duh, duh, dummmmm)... TOOK A NAP! After 4 hours at a playscape, I'd hope so :) Thanks so much for the tips. The only other thing I can find that works is to just wake up around 5 and get in my two hours every AM while the boy and hubby are still sleeping. Then I don't have to worry about it all day, it's just over & done with :)

Good luck!

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