Published Sep 2, 2018
5 Posts
Hi All,
I'm having a really hard start to this year. I was assigned a new school after 3 years at a rough-n-tumble title 1 elementary school. My old school was hard; they had been through a zillion nurses when I got there, but I stayed, persisted and fought hard to be more than just the lice queen and the ice packs/bandaid person. I did a lot of work for health promotion that positively impacted the school and staff.
This year I've been stationed at another title 1 elementary school and the middle school across the playground from them. I hardly know anyone at either school, don't understand their school cultures or routines, am drowning in the beginning of the year work of two schools and feeling incredibly alone and anxious, bringing way too much worry home every night. I'm pissing parents off left and right, saying "no" to staff all the time and having trouble being patient with relatively normal misconceptions about what it is I should be doing. The schools were previously covered by 2 separate nurses who had been there for decades, so I never hear the end of "our old nurse would do this for us", and on and on.
Tell me I will survive this too. I know it's just a matter of taking one day at a time. I see the potential that as I get to know people and the culture at these schools and gain trust from people it will get better, but I'm having such a hard time day to day right now and starting to wonder if this is for me or if I'm tough enough for this. I think deep down, I'm a good nurse and I'm passionate about making schools and children healthier, but I admittedly am not at my best right now. I understand why some parents are pissed with me; I'm just overwhelmed and not finding a ton of support. I've gone from feeling pretty confident and respected in a tough school to feeling like a disorganized, stress ball at two schools that aren't as "tough"... Help me with your pearls of wisdom! Please make me laugh and find a way to put some of this in perspective and just keep marching forward.
Luchador, CNA, EMT-B
286 Posts
Sounds like a rough start for sure. I taught English at several Title I schools. Always had a very wide range of really crappy to fantastic colleagues.
Stand your ground. Keep on keeping on. Even in the crappiest school there are kids that are amazing and funny and cute. Focus on the kids.
0 Posts
That does sound really tough, sorry you are dealing with such a big change. Curious, why did they make you move? From your description of your first school, it sounds like maybe you started off having to really prove yourself and it sounds like you definitely did and made an impact. I have no doubt you will do the same at this school. BUT, at the end of the day, I am all about quality of life and mental health. No job is worth feeling completely stressed out and anxious over, not to mention bringing home work every night. I do think there is a time period of adjustment in any job, usually three months to start feeling like you know what is going on, and six months to really tell if it is going to be a decent fit. That being said, if it is a total miserable disaster every day, then it sounds like it is not a good fit...for anyone, LOL.
913 Posts
You'll get there, just like you did at your old school. Do you have a nurse supervisor who can help get you out from underneath the mountain of start of the year stuff? As far as the people who comment about how the old nurse did things, I think you've just got to say something like, "I know you were comfortable with the way things have been done by X, but I'm here now and I will do things the way I know to be best."
nursekoll, BSN, RN
141 Posts
I think Parents and school Staff drama is ALWAYS worse than any tough students! Enjoy the kids, do what you can in a day, keep in contact with your supervisor and let the rest go!
218 Posts
I'm sorry you're dealing with this! I had a rough start last year (new to school nursing, odd school/staff routines and culture, etc.). I hope things improve soon!
1,821 Posts
So, obligatory "Not a nurse" thing first.
When I first started my job, I was just put on the desk and told, just input immunizations. I did not KNOW ONE OUNCE OF SCHOOL MEDICINE, AT ALL! I started to talk to the kids and they would tell me about how mean the last nurse was and such, and I spoke with the parents and they explained how nice the nurse was and the old staff would speak good things about her. But after a while I wanted to do my own thing and establish my clinic in my own way. So I started to ask around (especially here) on ideas for my clinic and I tried so hard to establish them, but each dang time... "But the last nurse did it this way." I was hit with so many roadblocks and it was difficult. But I can tell you it gets easier, once you establish some trust. The reason they do this is because they are scared of new things and don't trust you yet to do new things. But once you establish some relationships and talk to everyone, they'll loosen up a bit and let you take the reign on some things. Don't give up!
44 Posts
What MHDNURSE says really resonates with me! I am in a similar position & planning to give myself a few months to adjust. If I continue to be so stressed, I will not stay. If it's not a good fit, it's not a good fit.