RN Starting Pay


Hello i'm starting school for Nursing well actually doing the prereques at the moment.. What do RN start off at hourly and what do they top off at, ADN or BSN.. any difference?

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Very different wages for different areas.

Hello i'm starting school for Nursing well actually doing the prereques at the moment.. What do RN start off at hourly and what do they top off at, ADN or BSN.. any difference?

Starting pay in my part of the country is $22/hr with differentials. The most I've seen around here for experienced RN's is $35/hr for ICU and ER. I live in South Texas.

Oh yeah, BSN's get about .50 more per hour.

i believe one hospital here in new mexico quoted us about $24 per hour for a beginner nurse. another hospital in our area gives $3 extra per hour if the new nurse is taking even one class towards her bsn.

hope that helps!

Specializes in Med Surge, Tele, Oncology, Wound Care.

Live in west texas myself, starting pay is around 22/hr. However find a good hosptial to sign on with, they will help you with school loans. Also look into how one can obtain raises. Here you can climb a clinical ladder, so you enter in as a RN1 then you can climb to a RN4, each increasing your pay about 10% per year.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

As someone above stated there are different payscales that differ throughout the country with the the west, nw, and ne USA making the best salaries. Here in FL starting salaries tend to be in the low to mid-20's per hour and cap off for bedside nurses in the low 30's.

Working night shift and weekend programs well raise your salary considerably. You might also choose per diem or agency/travel nursing which raises the salary considerably as well.

Depending on the path you take nurses can make a lot of money, such as directors and VPs making big bucks. CRNA's also make good money.

Good luck.

Do Male nurses get paid more than female or was someone pulling my leg on that one?

Do Male nurses get paid more than female or was someone pulling my leg on that one?

They had better not b/c that's gender discrimination.

Parkland in Texas states on their website min is 24 an hour.

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