RN school wait lists in BC

World Canada CA Programs


First off, hello everyone. I'm new to the forum and stumbled on it while spending hours trying to research my alternatives.

I'm in Vancouver, BC (permanent resident) planning to go for my RN. I'm a mature student with 19 credit hours from a US university, but most of those credits are liberal arts, so I'm not sure what will really count except for the math and English. I know I'll have to take the A&Ps and Psychs- biology was much more than 5 years ago, but I did make an A! lol

When I first started looking, I found that VCC has a relatively new RN BSN program and I spoke to the academic advisers who told me that there was no wait list. I got approved for my student loan, requested all my transcripts and registered as a student. Today (only a week later) I spoke with a different adviser who informed me that not only is there a wait list, but that there are 49 students on it and that they will only be taking 24. VCC only has a fall intake so she told me that if I'm "lucky" I could get in the class of 2012 but likely 2013! ack. I suppose the only positive there is that they are a first come, first serve school so I will eventually move up the list for sure.

In the meantime, the adviser suggested I apply to multiple schools in the Lower Mainland, and choose one to attend for prerequisites while biding my time, hoping for one of them to eventually send me an acceptance. I'm sure many of you are in the same boat. I applied to Douglas and will probably actually attend there because it is much closer to home than VCC, plus they do two intakes per year so that's a plus. Will anyone be attending the Douglas psych or A&P for summer 2011? Would be nice to know someone going in.

So I guess the purpose of my post is to first make contact with anyone else currently waiting out their time, and also to compare any up-to-date info you have on wait lists. As far as Douglas' preferential placement goes, with a max number of points at 14, what is a "good" number of points to have to be competitive? I'm thinking I will have around 8. >

Thanks for reading!

Good luck Hawaii :) you sound like a solid applicant! I'm sure you'll do fine

I went to the UFV nursing info session and wrote the essay as well. I live in Vancouver though and the drive to Chilliwack was NOT fun at all. Either way I still hope I get in. I'm so tired of waiting!!!


you are going to get into BCIT with me, don't worry about it :nurse:

wait-lists are NEVER, EVER, ***EVER*** as long as they tell you.

People get impatient, choose other career options, move, get accepted to different schools, etc. Keep in mind, those on wait-lists are often on ALL school's wait-lists so when they get accepted to one, they deny the others.

That's why I'm glad BCIT doesn't have a waitlist :)

Haha I hope so!!!! Have you heard anything from BCIT lately??

I haven't, but a level 2 student sent a message to those of us on the cnsa forum to let us know her timeline last year. They found out Oct 14 if shortlisted, had to submit reference letters by Nov 1, then letter of intent by Nov 15 I think, she was accepted on Nov 16....I think within the next couple of weeks for sure!

I went to the UFV nursing info session and wrote the essay as well. I live in Vancouver though and the drive to Chilliwack was NOT fun at all. Either way I still hope I get in. I'm so tired of waiting!!!

Oh that IS a long drive:0 I guess we will be getting a letter if we are wanted for an interview! UFV is the only school I applied to. I'm in Abbotsford so its a pretty short drive. The essay went well but there was a TON of people there so lots of competition! My friend had an interview this morning...haven't talked to her but when we all got our letters to come to the info session...she had an additional paper saying to call for an interview. Nobody else I knew got one. Hope it went well for her!! I will be checking mail later tonight..have you heard anything? I was thinking it would arrive today or tomorrow:eek:

Any word on the UFV interview letters?! I am getting impatient!!! She said in our info session if we dont hear within 2 weeks... No interview!

No letter yet:( I thought we would have them by today (I haven't checked yet though) She said she would be mailing out Friday....So i figured if its not there today then I'm not getting an interview. I know 2 others that have applied. One already had an interview (was stapled onto her information session paper we all got) an the other hasn't heard either. Let me know if you hear!! I will do the same! Good luck=)

Phoned this afternoon, she said that they are sending out another batch of letters, she checked if my name was there... And it wasnt. She was a bit unclear, she said to keep waiting for tbe mail. My gpa on the pre reqs worked out to approx 3.3... Too low by the looks of things! This is really discouraging! I suppose i will re take a pre req or two and hope for the best next round. I have approx 500 hours work in a Crisis Pregnancy Centre and I feel my essay was good. Do you know your friends GPA? Lucky duck, no stress for her/him!

I hope your letter comes soon, best of luck!

Hi everyone,

I got my interview letter yesterday and booked my interview today for Oct 24. I am a bit of a "unique" situation. I have actually completed my first year at UFV but due to some crazy medical problems failed a course :( Once you actually fail a course, you are dropped from the program and have to wait for someone else to fail from the semester behind you so you can then take their place. There are 9 people from my class of 48 who have failed at some point and are vying for spots in either semester 3 or 4. I decided that rather than wait for what could be forever, I would start at the beginning if I needed to. I am desperately hoping to get a seat in semester 3 but am determined to be back in school full-time in January and this may be my only route. When I got accepted to UFV, I also got accepted to BCIT but gave up my seat as UFV was the better fit at the time. I have also re-applied to BCIT for January - just keeping options open as best as I can.

When I called today, I was told that 51 interviews have already been scheduled for the 32 seats - fingers crossed everyone.

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