RN school wait lists in BC

World Canada CA Programs


First off, hello everyone. I'm new to the forum and stumbled on it while spending hours trying to research my alternatives.

I'm in Vancouver, BC (permanent resident) planning to go for my RN. I'm a mature student with 19 credit hours from a US university, but most of those credits are liberal arts, so I'm not sure what will really count except for the math and English. I know I'll have to take the A&Ps and Psychs- biology was much more than 5 years ago, but I did make an A! lol

When I first started looking, I found that VCC has a relatively new RN BSN program and I spoke to the academic advisers who told me that there was no wait list. I got approved for my student loan, requested all my transcripts and registered as a student. Today (only a week later) I spoke with a different adviser who informed me that not only is there a wait list, but that there are 49 students on it and that they will only be taking 24. VCC only has a fall intake so she told me that if I'm "lucky" I could get in the class of 2012 but likely 2013! ack. I suppose the only positive there is that they are a first come, first serve school so I will eventually move up the list for sure.

In the meantime, the adviser suggested I apply to multiple schools in the Lower Mainland, and choose one to attend for prerequisites while biding my time, hoping for one of them to eventually send me an acceptance. I'm sure many of you are in the same boat. I applied to Douglas and will probably actually attend there because it is much closer to home than VCC, plus they do two intakes per year so that's a plus. Will anyone be attending the Douglas psych or A&P for summer 2011? Would be nice to know someone going in.

So I guess the purpose of my post is to first make contact with anyone else currently waiting out their time, and also to compare any up-to-date info you have on wait lists. As far as Douglas' preferential placement goes, with a max number of points at 14, what is a "good" number of points to have to be competitive? I'm thinking I will have around 8. >

Thanks for reading!

I havent checked the mail today yet...Do you mean your GPA is 3.3 for high school marks or for the non-nursing electives? My friend got 2 A's and 2 B's in high school and did 3 non-nursing electives with 2 c+'s and an A-. She has 40 or 50 hrs volunteer. It doesn't sound like its all about marks though. I know someone who got in last intake with all B's and 150 hrs volunteer and no electives:0 So who knows what they are looking at:s I have all B's in high school and finished two electives with a c+ and a B and have 150 hrs volunteer in a care home...I am also employed as a home health care worker.

I hope we both get a letter soon...at least to even be able to prove ourselves in an interview!!

Best of luck to you too!

Hi everyone,

I got my interview letter yesterday and booked my interview today for Oct 24. I am a bit of a "unique" situation. I have actually completed my first year at UFV but due to some crazy medical problems failed a course :( Once you actually fail a course, you are dropped from the program and have to wait for someone else to fail from the semester behind you so you can then take their place. There are 9 people from my class of 48 who have failed at some point and are vying for spots in either semester 3 or 4. I decided that rather than wait for what could be forever, I would start at the beginning if I needed to. I am desperately hoping to get a seat in semester 3 but am determined to be back in school full-time in January and this may be my only route. When I got accepted to UFV, I also got accepted to BCIT but gave up my seat as UFV was the better fit at the time. I have also re-applied to BCIT for January - just keeping options open as best as I can.

When I called today, I was told that 51 interviews have already been scheduled for the 32 seats - fingers crossed everyone.

Do you mind me asking what kind of marks/volunteer experience you had to get in? That is terrible that you would have to start over all because of a medical problem...so sorry to hear that! I think I may need to go back and redo some classes...I did go back to redo my English 12 and finished with 85%...1% away from an A and they wouldn't give me the 1%...ughhh!! This may be way harder than I thought it was going to be!!

Thanks and good luck to you!!

I had to go back and re-do all the pre-reqs since all the schools had different time requirements and I finished high school years ago. When I re-did the courses, I had an A and 3 Bs. My GPA without my failed course would have been a 3.4 for first year - because I failed, it dropped it down to 2.9 - Ugh!! I have a degree already, but that did not seem to help me at all at UFV, only at BCIT. I had about 100 volunteer hours with my application. I can make you feel way better....I failed my course with a .9%, not even a FULL percent and I ended up in this mess :( The whole process has been a lot harder than I imagined but also very fulfilling. I love it and now for sure that I am on the right path.

That is good through everything you still know this is what you want to do and maybe more so than ever it sounds like! I don't think I'm even getting an interview:s I thought maybe if I could at least make it to the interview I would maybe have a chance!! But doesn't look so good:( I will try again for Sept if I don't make it though. Wow .9% that is a hard one to swallow:( I wish you luck in the future in nursing though!!!

My 3.3 GPA is for my "high-school" marks. However, they are courses from UFV. I took my English 105 (B+), Bio 112 (A), Chem 083 (C+).. OUCH!, and Math 085 (B). I currently have my electives, psychology 101, and Bio 203 (If it counts as an elective). I dont think they really look at your electives though. I am pretty sure they base it on your pre requisites. You can obtain a possible 16 points from these grades. 4 for each course, which works out to an A. Which info session did you go to? I went to Tuesdays. When we went over the traits in nursing I included almost all of them in my essay. I am looking forward to meeting with the coordinator to see what could increase my chances for September. Another year of waiting...

I am glad that I phoned ahead to see if my name was on the list for an interview because waiting for the mail was killing me!!!! Atleast now i have had a few days to come to terms and figure out a game plan.

I applied to BCIT for Jan 2012, but I dont think I have a chance of getting in there because they really like you to have a degree or atleast part of one. I have also applied to Douglas for Sept 2012, but I would much rather attend UFV!

I just got an e-mail from BCIT for the references and letter of intent!! First i've heard back in months.

Congrats on being shortlisted!!! That's so exciting for you...the wait continues for me


Literally I just got it e-mailed like 15 minutes ago which I find a weird time kinda lol. Either way, it says start date is January 9th. Fingers crossed!! It says to collect your references (minimum 2) and it has to be submitted along with the letter of intent by October 14th so heads up!

I know last intake they had 2 batches with different deadlines for that stuff. Keeping my fingees crossed. *please please please* :)

I went to the Thursday info session. I got a list of courses you can take while you wait that are all a part of the nursing program so I will probably take a few in September. I may do a few high school courses again also online. I thought I would get at least an interview!! The night I went to the info session there were a TON of people there...some were from the intake before because all they did was write the essay then left. So I'm guessing about 80 people for 32 spots. I think I may call tomorrow and ask also. I only applied to UFV...I will let you know what they say!

Hi Everyone!

I just got shortlisted at BCIT for Jan 2012 intake, best feeling ever! All required documents must be submitted by October 14th and final decision email will be sent out November 1st.

I got accepted into Douglas and paid the darn $370 deposit already, can anyone let me know if I can get the deposit back?

Congrats! I haven't heard anything from Douglas yet :s

At least you have insurance lol!

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