RN mother looking at options to work from home?


Specializes in Trauma&Burn ICU, Children's Med-Surge.

I am new to this site and decided to look and see what others had to say on the topic of an RN with a BSN working from home. I worked at a Trauma and Burn ICU after I graduated from Nursing school a few years ago, then went to work at a Children's hospital when I found out I was pregnant :) I've being a stay at home mother since my son was born, but would like to make some extra money for fun expenses like toys for my little one things for myself as well :D I wouldn't mind cheaper health insurance too, since my husband's company's policy is outrageous! Wondering if any other RN's work from home who could give me pointers on options I may have.. I want to be able to work from home, but have freedom to take care of my little one during the day. Any advice is appreciated, thanks guys!

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.

The only thing that comes to mind is entering into the Legal Nursing area, which usually involves taking a class to train in the legal aspects of documentation, etc. Then, you would have to either form your own corporation and obtain clients, or farm yourself out to other corporations.

Other than that, I can't think of any way to work from home with no time constraints. For instance, I would imagine that one could conceivably do a form of telephone triage from home, but that would require being "on" during certain periods, thus not always available for the little ones. To be honest though, the only actual triage-from-home position that I've ever seen was only offered to an RN who had years of experience with the practice and thus could function independently very effectively.

It is called "Legal Nurse Consultant" LNC. I am in canada so i most likely can't help you with anything.

All i can suggest is find a training program, take the courses, and advertise. :)

If you are interested in putting your son into some type of child care, you could consider home health nursing...the hours are very flexible and you could work PRN or part time. I currently work full time for one company, and have worked PRN for another company in the past. I set my own hours (even when working full time for the most part), and then bring my paperwork home...so you can't bring your son to work with you, but its an option if you plan on putting him in childcare.

Specializes in L&D, QI, Public Health.

Well, there are work from home gigs, but I don't know how free you would be to actively take care of your child.

Many managed care organizations have telecommute jobs for HEDIS and Quality type work.

Specializes in Cardiology.

With all due respect ... if there were a way for an RN/BSN with a few years of critical care experience to work from home, set their own hours, get great health bennies, and make enough to buy cool toys, don't you think someone here would have found it by now?

For sure, bluesnurse, for sure.......

Specializes in Aspiring to become something great!.

Try Anthem (Wellpoint) they hire nurses for their 24hr call center! They pay great! After 6mths or so....you can work from home. They even have night shifts, so you can work after the kids are asleep.

What about some of the insurance companies that have the 1-800 #'s for people to call and talk to a nurse?

I have No idea if they even offer thier employees to work from home but its worth a shot.

I completely understand your situation- although I'm in school right now to BECOME a nurse and work in a hospital or office- I work from home currently and work nights- its hard to do and i still have to put my daughter in daycare so that I can sleep during the day. Plus I get BAD CABIN fever!! (but I am also working full time as I'm a single mom so a little different situation there)

I thought I would LOVE working from home but i'm ready to be out and about again! ( I worked for my company for 4 years before I was able to convince them to let me work from home also-)

I'm sure you will be able to find something- it will prob require a lot of research.

Anyway, GOOD LUCK!!! I hope you do work something out!

Where do you live- I mean which state. Probably I can help you regarding medical insurance.

Specializes in Home Care.

Look at insurance companies, medical chart review jobs, worker's comp, etc.

Contact the staffing agencies to see what they have to offer.

Just don't expect to work from home right away, you'll have to put your time in the office first in most cases.

I had a telecommuting job, hated it.

Specializes in Trauma&Burn ICU, Children's Med-Surge.

Thanks for all the advice so far, I am thinking about putting my son in daycare a couple days a week so he can socialize. Really just looking at options on what I may be able to do from home that is flexible at the same time. And Vadoc, I live in Alabama. Thanks again everyone!

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