RN to BSN online

Nursing Students Online Learning


In preparation for getting a BSN, I am trying to gather information regarding online BSN programs. if you have links to what you feel is an affordable,:rolleyes: online, no residency requirement program, please post 'em here.

One program that I came across was at Thomas Edison State College. does anyone have any information regarding their program? I was hoping to find someone that has first hand (or second hand ? ) experience with the TESC RN to BSN program as it seems to be an affordable option, which, of course, is always a bonus. from reading the catalog on their site it appears that you can use some of the EC exams to satisfy the upper-level nursing courses.

The TESC program looks pretty decent but I am looking for some feedback to any online rn to BSN program. if anyone has links to what they feel is an affordable online rn/bsn program please post the link here.

Online Nursing Degree Programs at Thomas Edison State University

Has anyone gone through the Chamberlain College online RN-BSN program. I would love feedback

I just took the Pathophysiology test 7/14/07. I received an "A". I used pathophysiology made incredibly easy and found tons of sites on the internet to study. I also ordered a CD on ebay. I did not buy the book recommended by Excelsior. I studied for 3 weeks then took the test. I


Has anyone taken the Pathophysiology course( 300 level) through Excelsior College?

I am currently attending UOP online. It is very time consuming and expensive but, not that hard. I have taken 6 classes and received A's in all of them. Most of my instructors have been good, had one awful one but still got an A. Classes are 5 weeks long and you have to do a few papers and team powerpoints. I have learned a lot. Not sure if I am going to finish out my last 5 classes with them, only because they want me to take Statistics again and that pisses me off. I may return to Excelsior because I only need 3 classes to graduate.

I chose South University for my RN to BSN. I had a TON of credits transfer (more than the average RN). I'm in my first class now (an IT class) and it's going great so far. Taking 2 classes every quarter (part time), I will have my BSN in about 2 years. ;) Bring it on!

Any program for RN-BSN that don't require clinicals???


South University does NOT require clinicals. That's not the reason I chose them, but it's a huge perk!

Hello! I am just completing my MN thru Dundee. While the program has high standards I have found the faculty to be very helpful, and have completed 8 modules successfully. The program is also very flexible, which has enabled me to continue to work full time. This is a good choice if you can have the discipline to work independently, yet allows for flexibility 'when life happens'. The program is also very affordable in comparison to many others out there.

Hello! I am just completing my MN thru Dundee. While the program has high standards I have found the faculty to be very helpful, and have completed 8 modules successfully. The program is also very flexible, which has enabled me to continue to work full time. This is a good choice if you can have the discipline to work independently, yet allows for flexibility 'when life happens'. The program is also very affordable in comparison to many others out there.

I am so happy with the University of Dundee. I agree, they have high standards and I have learned so much. I get to write about what I am interested about. The staff is super helpful. I completed my BN and I am now in the MN program. I am so glad they are there.

Hi everyone,

I am intrigued by the quote I saw below:

Hello. Why was it almost impossible to write a "passable" paper for Univ of Dundee? I also pm'd you, since I am curious about Dundee, since I recently enrolled. Thanks!

I am currently enrolled on the Dundee MSN program, and I have to disagree with the above statement. I have had 7 papers "passed" and am now working on my research dissertation. I also know two other students who have recently graduated from the MSN program at Dundee.

What you have to know about UK education is that it is different from the US. The last 2 years of "high school" in the UK are almost the same level as US college. Undergraduate work in College for a Bachelors (or "University" in the UK) is kind of like Masters work in the US.....and so on, you get the picture! I think I can attest to this as I am from England.

In simple terms the standards are high - yes! I have been published many times in nursing journals and YES my papers were sent back for re-working - but in the end they PUSHED ME to do better and THAT FOLKS is what higher education is all about! No one said it would be EASY!

The people and support at Dundee are AWESOME! The MSN costs under $10,000 and you know you are getting a quality education. If anyone would like to contact me to find out more please e-mail me! I'd be happy to help


Specializes in Adult Med/Surg, NICU,.

Is anyone going to South University? If so can you tell me how it's going?

Specializes in Med/surg,Tele,PACU,ER,ICU,LTAC,HH,Neuro.

Since I have decided after 25 years I would like my BSN, I have been following the board. Now UOP is way too expensive and reminded me of the last time I attempted to get my BSN by doing some pre- reqs at a Community College. At the time ,also, a trade school had a group of CNAs doing clinicals at out lil Community Hospital. These CNAs were in a for-profit program that was costing them more than my ADN at a community college. It was $3000+ and lasted 6 wks compared to the $250/3 week CNA program at the Community College. What bothered me about this for profit mess? These are low income people trying to better their lives, but instead will probably have a hard time getting through the programs and finding a job. If they do find a job they will be paying off the loan for years and years. Out of the 20 students who arrived at the Hospital for clinicals , less than half finished and those that didn't finish still had to pay off the loans. Their excuse was they could not even afford the $250 up front cost for the certificate from the CC, but where willing to go into debt for $3000+ even if they didn't finish it. Most of them do default on the loans. I wrote a huge letter for my Government Class on this and sent it to Senator Benson, Senator Gramm, and the Department of Education.(1989). U.S. Secretary of Education William J Bennett sent a 150 page document related to these proprietary business trade schools, some of which outlined our shared concern, but also stressed their importance to the community growth as a whole.....sigh. These students where dumped on my license, I had no idea if they could take a valid set of V/S. Their instructor was not on the premises to consult as it was a graveyard shift. Talk about using the poor for cheap labor??

I don't want to get off track here. I read the earlier posts on UOP and checked out the links. Below are two of many, but these are the Nurses.


I have a BSN from UOP. When I started their program I had been a nurse for over twenty years and it was before they had online learning. After the first few classes, I was amazed at how little I was learning. We all hated the study groups. For research, my study group did a project on study groups and how they attributed to the learning process. It was a quantitative study and the results overwhelming demonstrated that study groups or learning groups as they are now calling them, did not increase learning and were actually a detriment ot learning. In short, I feel I bought a BSN. --Former Student

By the time I graduated, I had retired from the Navy. I moved to another state. When I applied for leadership positions in nursing, I was not hired. Several told me that they did not believe the UOP degree was credible or I was told I "bought" a degree online. An assertion I agree with wholeheartedly. I decided to further my education. I applied to a local university and was denied admission. My BSN was lacking the necessary credits to qualify for admission. --Former Student


Okay those are scary enough.

Did I think all the 15 years and accredations would make UOP better than those trade schools from the 80's? What was I thinking?

There is a new Apollo College in Las Vegas thathas an ADN obtainable in 22 months it provisional BON approval but is not yet accredited. Las Vegas has a severe nursing shortage expected to last till 2010, massive city growth, and large number of nursing students simply WAITING for a teacher to teach them .

Question: Apollo College tuition is $43,000. IT IS NOT ACCREDITED YET???. Would you take it?


UOW sounding better all the time.

Thanks for all your advice. How is the Stats course. I am taking it next semester.

I am taking chem , deng 102 , heatlh and well being this semester

Thats right tweety because i am taking 12 credits per semester and i started this fall, i will be done the fall of next year.

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