Riverside Community Collge RN Spring 2015

U.S.A. California


Hello I wanted to start a thread for RCC Nursing Spring 2015!!!!! Anyone that will be applying to the program for spring 2015 lets get together to chat and support each other through this process!!!!! Good Luck everyone!!! Hope to see u guys in class next spring!!!:)

Yes Mindy it's a long wait. I have my LVN already. I have the 4.0 science GPA, and a 3.5 in my general ed. My acceptance is riding on this test. I was told that some applicants will get in by lottery as well. They save some spots for that. Well back to studying I go....

Oh well you have a good amount of points already then. I think you have a good shot. You have good grades you should do fine on the teas. Wont you have 80 points even if you get the lowest amount of points on your teas?

Mindy77 I need a 71 on my teas for 80 points. If I get just passing at 62 I will only have 75 points. I am starting to feel overwhelmed by so much studying LoL. It's so much information. Math is my weak subject and its timed. Maybe I am just fretting for nothing. I hope so. I am just ready for it to be over with so I know where I stand. I have no backup plan. I have put all of my eggs in this one baskett.

Oh okay QueenWandaful. Your points are similar to mine. I have 80 points. You must not have the five points for a language? I did horrible on the teas. But I had major family issues going on and my nerves got the best of me. I wasn't able to sleep the night before, and I feel like I over studied you know? I was so burned out from studying. By the time I took the actual test I just wanted to get it over with. I'm usually a very good test taker, but that test was so long and I was so nervous, so I kind of froze up in there. But a few people did really well, and the average scored in the 70's. I was also worried about the math but I actually did well in that portion, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Reading was harder for me then the math and I've never had a problem with reading. The passages they give you are pretty long and since your timed you don't really have time to go back and read it a second time. The science portion wasn't to bad but I had just got done taking all those classes so everything was fresh in my mind. I had never taken physics before so that freaked me out. I spent a lot of time studying physic problems and there was only like one on the test. Just go in there prepared and rested. Try not to let your nerves get the best of you and you should do good.

Good Luck to everyone studying for the TEAS. Don't forget to study for the English section it counts just as much as the Science and Math sections. Hope everyone gets invited to take the test.

Mindy77 you just gave me some great advice. I am more relaxed now. Thank you :). I will let you all know how I do my TEAS.

Thank You. Will you be taking the Teas too?

Thank You. Will you be taking the Teas too?

For those of u concerned about your points. I got in with 80 points. I think the cut off is usually between 75-80 points. Good luck to you all!!!

Specializes in Postpartum Mother/baby.

Have you guys been invited to take the TEAS at RCC? Whomever that may be good luck! I see so much chatter about the exam!!!! Hope you all do very well!!!!:up:

I was told that invites will be sent out around the 28th of this month. So much info and so little time to go review. :no:

Specializes in Postpartum Mother/baby.

Queen Wandaful girl u will be fine!!! Don't let ur nerves get the best of you!!:yes:

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