Riverside Community Collge RN Spring 2015

U.S.A. California


Hello I wanted to start a thread for RCC Nursing Spring 2015!!!!! Anyone that will be applying to the program for spring 2015 lets get together to chat and support each other through this process!!!!! Good Luck everyone!!! Hope to see u guys in class next spring!!!:)

Well, the application deadline has come and the anxiety has officially started. Good luck to everyone and hope to meet you all on orientation day! I will be checking in to read everyone's thoughts since this seems to help with the waiting process. It will be a long two months of constantly checking my email to see if there is any correspondence from RCC . :/

Why are you anxious you have 80 points? NO worries unless they make some kind of error you're pretty much in. I am the one that coming in with 55 points before my teas. I have been studying so much my head hurts LoL. I am also taking intermediate algebra. Thank God they was able to use my computer class for critical thinking, but I need math to graduate. I will be taking the math for nurses and success in nursing school starting the end of this month at RCC. Anyone else taking those classes?

Specializes in Postpartum Mother/baby.

Yes I was accepted for the fall I was allowed to defer to spring. My point total was 85. I am sure u will be fine with 80 points.

I am surprised at how uninvolved this thread is compared to the past cohorts which have been so active LoL. Anyone else here studying for the TEAS and taking it at Rcc next month? If so what study guide are you using?

RN2B951 That must feel good knowing that you're in :yes:.

Personally, any spare moment I have is spent studying. I don't know if my grades are good enough to be invited but I'm crossing fingers. Otherwise, I'm going to Loma Linda to take it.

Elliebellie84 I study about three to four hours a day for the teas on top of doing home work from my online math class, so I hear you. What study materials are you using? If you don't mind me asking what are your grades like? I have heard people with B's get invites. I hope you get invited. Good Luck to you :cat:.

Wow! That's great! I only get about an hour a day with full-time work and 2 kids but I've been studying over a month. I rented the ATI manual from Barnes and Noble and read it cover to cover taking notes on tips and topics I needed to study. I have some study manuals for chemistry, A&P, and Micro that I'm using to brush up on my sciences. I'm comfortable with reading & language arts because I have a bachelor's in English and the material is familiar to me. My grades on sciences were all As except Physiology, which was a C: pregnancy, 8 units that semester, full-time work, and 5 hour commute to-from work each day took its toll. This test will be the decisive factor for me. If I don't get in due to how I score, I will have to take physiology again, reapply next semester, or apply to a different school. Good luck to you! I'm sure you will do well.

I've been studying for the teas about an hour every other day, but I need to be on top of it as the time for the exam is nearly here. I got a 4.0 on the science prerequsities so I'm assuming I will be invited to take it with rcc. Good luck to everyone. It's been a stressful wait but if it's mean to be then it will be.

Wow Ellie your a busy bee. I could not work, full time, go to school full time and get good grades. I have a family and I feel that my load is full lol. Bless your heart with so much on your plate. I have good grades but this test is stressful. In reviewing I am noticing that I forgot so much. I had a hard time with the ATI book so I bought some flash cards, A different TEAS V study guide. I am also using the 5 TEAS practice test, Youtube videos, and I will be taking the ATI online exams. I am also praying that God will help me with what I am missing. I hope to meet you all soon. Good luck!

Yes I hear you jowaybaybay18. I am older and RCC is close to my house so I am working hard to get in. Good luck to you. I was told that we should get the invites after Oct 28.

Good luck to all of you taking the teas. I've been in your shoes so I know how much stress you all are going through. Study hard and get a good night sleep the night before the test, that's important! Even if you don't get the score you need don't give up. You can always bring up your GPA or get your CNA license to bring up your points, it will just take a little extra time is all. I think this test involves a lot of critical thinking. The material is not the hardest we've seen. If you've taken your science classes you know what it's like to learn difficult material at a fast pace. What makes this test hard is it covers so much material. There's stuff on there that I learned in high school that I never seen in any of my pre reqs for the program. So make sure you cover all your bases and take the practice test on ATI. Those test are more similar to the actual test then any other material you will come across. The practice test in the ATI study guide are a lot easier then the actual test. But that's just my opinion. Also don't get discouraged if you score low on the practice test on the ATI website. People usually always score higher on the actual exam. I'm hoping this site becomes a lot more active once everyone has taken their teas. I believe we have until December until we find out who gets in right? That seems like a long time from now.

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