Rio Salado BIO 156 Final Question..

U.S.A. Arizona


I regret dropping the class because now I want to take it again! Ugh! I hate myself.

Anyway, I still have all my notes and information. I pretty much completed up to the mid-term then decided I couldn't do bio + math and stay sane.

So anyway, my question is... is the bio 156 mid-term/final the same for all teachers? Like if I picked a different teacher, would the coursework & tests be similar?

With my teacher for the mid-term we had to study 6 or so ADL questions every week and answer in an essay.

I'd like to get a head start if I take it again and make sure I don't fail the midterm.

Specializes in Trauma.

How do you no this. I have no idea girl. I work full time and take 6 classes two of which are at rio. If you have already taken a&p then you should have no issue with this class it is the step before a&p... I wish i could help.

Specializes in Trauma.

how do you both think you did on the esaays there were from our homework????

Online learning... not for me.

In the end, my instructor waved 156 for me (based on life experience) and admitted me into bio 201 (a real class, in a classroom), where I am getting an A.


Specializes in Trauma.

wow, I wish they would have done that for me. I have already taken 201, 202, and 205 and they are still making me take it. Because I was out of high school longer then the alloted time... Lucky....

Specializes in oncology, med-surg.
how do you both think you did on the esaays there were from our homework????

Were there many from the assigned homework?? Or were they a mix of assigned and unassigned essays?

Specializes in Trauma.

all of them were from, or were a play off of what you did in the homework. The essay is what saved me from failing...

Is anyone currently taking this course or anyone that has that could offer some pointers? I re-read the book and completed the study guide and failed the midterm today. I felt like there was so much on the test that wasn't covered in the course. Trying to figure out if I should withdraw or keep trying and hope I do well on the final. Any advice is appreciated!

Could you withdraw without a grade? I thought the deadline was the Saturday of the midterm... Will your essay questions help pull up your grade? You'll need an average of 60% on both midterm and final to pass the class. The good news is the final is not cummulative!

I used flash cards, read the book, and utilized the online version for additional test questions. I brought my flash cards with me everywhere!!

Maybe an in-class version would be better? I took Bio 156, Chm 130, BIO 201 & 202 thru RIO and currently taking BIO 205. I feel the online classes are much harder.

Hope this helps you make the right decision. :)

No the withdraw date was last weekend. I didn't think the midterm would be that bad, but I did awful on all of it, essays included. I felt like I was prepared, but maybe not. I've had a lot going on personally this week and I'm assuming that probably didn't help (my fiance and I just split up).

I spoke with the instructor about my concerns and she said that I'd be fine to stay in the course and would probably do better on the final now that I know what the format is. I'm still worried though as I've never had that bad of a time with an exam. My course grade is about 90%, but I got a 50% (or so I'm guessing) on the midterm. Is the final any better? I'm sure if I have an idea of what I'm getting into I will do well enough on the final to pass the course.

I'm just finishing PSY101 and have an A in that course. I'm also taking CHM130 and have a 98% in both the class and the lab. I've found this class to be so much easier than BIO156.

I think the final was similar to the midterm. I wrote out the essay questions and answers in a word document and just kept adding each week. Even if it was just a rough answer and brief application paragraph. That way I could go back the week of the final and add to the essay questions. I felt much more confident about the essays. Flash cards for all the terms in each chapter. I didn't buy the study guide but really utilized the online access to multiple choice questions for each chapter.

Good Luck! :)

I feel better about going into the final now. Not to mention I think I'll find the latter chapters much more interesting to study. Thanks again for the information. I will definitely utilize the tools you mentioned.

I went the same route with Rio originally and for the Bio 156 I was not happy. My mom was terminally ill and past away during the semester, I asked for an extension due to the circumstances, and got no response in return, since I had FA I spoke with them and was advise that I shouldnt have taken Bio156 if my mom was going to past, like I knew she was going to leave me during this semester.

I was so mad with them I contacted the student Dean who promise me she would get back in touch with me with some type of resolution, I got no response again in return. I fell behind because I had to be there for my mom funeral and with all the details they cover in such a short time span I hired a tutor which I had to pay 35.00 an hour for, and reached out again with no assistance.

It got to the point I wrote a letter and told them this will be my last semester there, I told them I know the nursing program is competitive but I felt like I was left out in an ocean full of sharks to swim back to shore the best way I can, I transfer out to , went straight into my BIO 201 course and my grades has went from a C to an A. My instructor is so great he explains the work, and makes it simple and plain, my lab work is even more clear with my lab kit we have the actualy microscopes so we are doing actual labs. My textbook was the same book from one of my local comunity colleges here in New York, whereas the text I had from Rio I am told I may not have been able to transfer the credits outside of AZ but these credits I have now I will be able to.

My dicussions he even participates in, I wanted to see how Rio is doing right now and under the circumstances I was really hurt by the way I was treated by them. I do wish you all good luck though

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