Resurrection University (West Suburban College of Nursing) Spring 2011 applicants


Hi all!

I'm in a process of applying to the Resurrection University (formerly West Suburban College of Nursing) for BSN Spring 2011 program (generic 16 months option). I started this thread to get and give some support along the process. Let's help each other out and maybe get know better before the semester starts! I'm about to start my final (fall) semester at Wilbur Wright College, I already took the TEAS exam, submitted my online application, letters of recommendation and essay. I'm just waiting for my official transcript with summer school grades. I'll be going for the guaranteed admission program. If anyone has questions or just want to share his/hers experiences- please post your comments! GOOD LUCK Y'ALL !! :)

Hello all, my counselor Juan Miranda told me i am a strong candidate and that i will be hearing back very so excited, i can wait to open that admissions letter! Has anyone from the guaranteed admission heard back?

Hey imuens2000! How did your TEAS went? I hope I'll be seeing you in Spring 2011 =] I haven't heard back from them yet, I actually called on Tuesday because I was so impatient, I just asked in general "have the decisions for those who applied for guaranteed admission BSN have been made?" and the secretary said that the decisions haven't been made yet. So I guess it's another week or two of waiting...

I'm not sure if you guys know this already, but Resurrection University will be moving to a new location (most likely St. Elizabeth hospital in Chicago) within the next year. I'm hoping that the transition goes smoothly. And good luck to everyone...hope to be a part of the spring class with you all!

Yup, I've heard about it, it's gonna probably be May 2011, I actually found out thanks to :) I hope that they are going to have everything set up for the students, so it won't interfere with our classes and clinicals.

Hey everyone,

I'm glad I found this post. I also applied for spring and don't know anyone else attending Res. I was wondering if anyone got a letter from them yet? They told me if you meet all the requirements then you will find out this month. The month is almost over so I'm getting worried. Let me know!


I called them on Tuesday (September 21st) and secretary told me that decisions haven't been made yet. So I'm thinking- even if they were made this week (Wednesday or Thursday) it's still gonna be at least a week before we get the letters. I heard from the dean of the admission that I'll hear from them in September, but the secretary said it's gonna be more like early October. So I figured- if not next week, then for sure in two weeks we will know something.

Ooh I called them during that week as well! I'm just going to have to be more patient haha. I'll call Monday anyways and ask them again and I'll stay in touch through here. ;)

Awesome! I'll greatly appreciate if you would post a feedback on what you were able to find on Monday! :)

I called three times already (one each week for the last three weeks), and I can tell that the third time I called secretary recognized my voice and rolled her eyes :p

Hahaha!! I was going to have a friend call to avoid that exact scenario OR change my voice but I would laugh for sure. I just hate feeling like a nuisance. The only reason I'm in a hurry to find out is because I'm enrolled in a class that I don't need for Res so I would like to drop it asap. So I guess we will see then...I'll keep you posted.

Are you taking the class at one of the community colleges? If so, don't worry the last day the drop would be somewhere in November, and by that time you'll know for sure :) but yea, you're right the earlier, the better!

AH they said mid October. And yea its at a community college but its nursing so its a huge workload along with my other classes and work. He also said some may find out sooner so I guess I still don't know what's going on hah.

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