Resurrection University (West Suburban College of Nursing) Spring 2011 applicants


Hi all!

I'm in a process of applying to the Resurrection University (formerly West Suburban College of Nursing) for BSN Spring 2011 program (generic 16 months option). I started this thread to get and give some support along the process. Let's help each other out and maybe get know better before the semester starts! I'm about to start my final (fall) semester at Wilbur Wright College, I already took the TEAS exam, submitted my online application, letters of recommendation and essay. I'm just waiting for my official transcript with summer school grades. I'll be going for the guaranteed admission program. If anyone has questions or just want to share his/hers experiences- please post your comments! GOOD LUCK Y'ALL !! :)

hi! I am so happy to find this thread! I go to UIC right now and I have a 3.5 overall gpa and I already took chem and I am taking AP one and mircobio. next semester I am taking a AP 2 and mircbio lab. Can anyone tell me what is the guaranteed program? and when would be the best time to apply for the Fall 2011 semester?

hey Sparikh516!

3.5 GPA! Good for you !! :) The deadline for guaranteed admission for Fall 2010 was June 1st, so I would say that this will be the case for Fall 2011 as well. In order to be eligible for the guaranteed admission program for WSCN (Resurrection University) you need to have overall GPA 3.0, science GPA (that includes your grades for Microbiology, AP I, AP II, and General Chemistry) also needs to be at least 3.0. You TEAS entrance exam score needs to be at least 80. If you qualify for the guaranteed admission program it means that you are going to receive your decision about 2 months earlier than others applicants. I am going to receive mine in October instead of December. And one more thing, before you apply you need to complete 3 out 4 science prerequisites by the deadline. My opinion is- apply as soon as you are done with your science classes. If you are going to have all of your science prerequisites completed that would make a really good impression. If you have more questions, here is the website, everything is explained really clearly. Good luck to you!

One more thing, the original deadline for Fall 2010 was April 1st, however they extended the deadline to June 1st.

Thank you for replying to my message so fast! I had some more questions?

I will AP 1 and microbio done at the beginning of December. So should I apply right after and take my TEAS exam? If I do apply in December and I qualify for the Guaranteed program when would I find out the decision? Is the program a rolling admission process?

Yup, you can do it! I applied as soon as I got 3 out of 4 of my science prereqs (that was May), and then I took my TEAS (in June). If you apply in December I think you'll still need to wait till May in order to find out :(. I applied in July and I heard from the Dean of the Admission that I'm a strong candidate etc. etc., but he said that official decisions are going to be sent in October. Oh well, it's still better than waiting till December! My guess is, after the deadline they still need about a month in order to get through all of the applications. But of course you can ask the Dean when exactly are you going to find out. According to their website they do the rolling admission, that would be right cause their "admission window" is pretty large.

Hi guys,

After I turned in everything I asked my admissions counselor when I would hear a decision and he said mid-September and the latest would be early October. So I think we're going to hear back soon :up:

Wow! Thanks digitiminimi! I try not to think about it, but I'm kinda nervous and excited to hear from them. I try to focus on school (5 classes, 18 credits!), but it's on my mind all the time! I really do hope that we will hear in mid-September! Thanks and good luck :) !

Hey, just wanted to check with those of you who applied- has anyone heard anything yet?

Hi everybody, I applied for the winter 2011 start as well. The admissions counselor (John Pachecek) said that if you meet their three requirements (gpas and Teas score), that you should find out this month. If you don't meet those requirements, your application gets reviewed by the board and you won't find out until November. Hope this helps and good luck to everybody!

Hey Ajryan! Hopefully I'll find out soon, thanks for the info and good luck!

Hi everybody, I applied for the winter 2011 start as well. The admissions counselor (John Pachecek) said that if you meet their three requirements (gpas and Teas score), that you should find out this month. If you don't meet those requirements, your application gets reviewed by the board and you won't find out until November. Hope this helps and good luck to everybody!

Hey John said if u meet all three requirements you will find out sometime in Sept and if you dont you will find out in October.

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